
8 Jan 2024

Ingredients of Keşkek Recipe 1 kg whole wheat for ashure 1 cup chickpeas 800 grams of meat (3 pieces if you add chicken meat) Salt For the sauce; Butter Tomato paste How to Make Keşkek Recipe Place the meat at the bottom of the pot. Add the washed chickpeas, wheat and 1 tablespoon of salt. Add enough water to cover the material we prepared by 10-15 cm. The pot is placed in the wood oven (bread oven) in the evening and left in the oven until the morning. Take the kashk from the oven and crush it well with the help of a large wooden spoon (if you added chicken, do not forget to remove its bones :) ) After it is placed on plates, it is served with tomato paste sauce on it. (You can also make it in a pressure cooker, it will cook in 2 hours on low heat)

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