A Comprehensive Guide on How Bitcoin Works for Pros

12 Mar 2024

If you’re an experienced user looking to understand bitcoin and its underlying technology, this is the guide. This comprehensive guide provides a thorough overview of everything from the basics of Bitcoin network to more complex topics such as mining, consensus mechanism, and others.
You’ll also learn how to buy and store your bitcoins online securely. This guide will provide the insight you need to understand this revolutionary digital currency.

Key Takeaways

  1. Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that enables users to make secure, fast payments without intermediaries. The Bitcoin network is secured by a distributed ledger technology called blockchain, which tracks and verifies all transactions within the network.
  2. The main feature of Bitcoin is that it is not controlled or regulated by a central authority like a government or bank.
  3. Users can securely store their bitcoins in a digital wallet, which also acts as a gateway to the Bitcoin network.
  4. To protect against double-spending, Bitcoin network relies on a consensus mechanism called proof-of-work.
  5. Transactions on the Bitcoin network are irreversible, meaning they cannot be reversed once a transaction is confirmed.
  6. Despite its advantages, Bitcoin has several risks, such as volatility, liquidity issues, and potential scams.

Introduction to Bitcoin: Cryptocurrency and Blockchain

Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that can be exchanged directly between users. It was created in 2009 by an anonymous person or group of people using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. Since bitcoin is decentralized, it has no central bank or single administrator and that can be sent from user to user on the peer-to-peer bitcoin network without intermediaries.
It uses cryptography to secure and verify transactions and control the creation of new units. The technology used to record bitcoin transactions is called the blockchain. Bitcoin blockchain is a public ledger that records all the digital currency transactions, bitcoin. It is a distributed ledger technology (DLT) that allows for secure, transparent, and immutable transactions.
The blockchain is composed of blocks linked together using cryptographic techniques. It contains all the transaction information, such as sender, receiver, amount, and date. The blockchain also provides an additional layer of security by verifying each transaction with a consensus algorithm known as proof-of-work (PoW). This ensures that only valid transactions are added to the ledger, making tampering with or deleting any data stored virtually impossible.

What Are Bitcoin Transactions?

Bitcoin transactions are a critical aspect of the Bitcoin network, allowing the transfer of bitcoins from one person to another without needing a trusted third party. There are two main types of Bitcoin transactions: inputs and outputs. Inputs refer to the bitcoins being sent, while outputs refer to the addresses they are being sent to.

Understanding Bitcoin’s Consensus Mechanism: Proof of Work

Proof-of-work is a concept that allows for distributed trust in a network. The Bitcoin network uses it to verify transactions and ensure the security of the blockchain. In short, when miners compete to solve complex mathematical problems to add new blocks of data to the blockchain, they use PoW. The miner who successfully solves the problem first is rewarded with a certain amount of cryptocurrency.
To ensure that the same block isn’t added twice, each block must be different from all the others before it. This is done through a process called ‘hashing’ in which a unique hash is generated for each block. Once a block is mined, changing or deleting the information inside is almost impossible. This is why PoW is essential in maintaining the integrity of the blockchain.

Bitcoin Blocks

Bitcoin blocks are records of transactions on the Bitcoin network that are verified and added to the blockchain. These blocks contain information such as the sender and recipient of the transaction, the amount of Bitcoin being transferred, and a unique transaction ID.
In addition, each block includes a header, a list of transactions, and a nonce used to satisfy the PoW requirement. The header contains metadata about the block, while the transactions contain information about the bitcoins that are being transferred. Each block is also linked to the previous block, creating a chain of blocks or a blockchain. This makes it virtually impossible to alter any transaction information without being detected.
As more blocks are added to the chain, the difficulty of creating new blocks increases, which helps to prevent fraud. Once a block is verified and added to the blockchain, its information is considered a permanent part of the Bitcoin network.

Bitcoin’s Mining

Mining is a way for miners to prove they have done work and are rewarded with BTC. In order to ensure trust and security in the network, each miner’s work must be verified by other miners on the network. The PoW process involves miners competing against each other to solve complex mathematical puzzles using their computing power. The miner who solves the puzzle first is rewarded with newly created bitcoins and transaction fees from the transactions included in the block.
As mentioned above, when a new bitcoin is issued, the mining difficulty increases, making it more difficult to solve the puzzle and thus requiring more computing power. Bitcoin mining difficulty refers to solving these mathematical problems, which adjust dynamically based on the network’s hash rate. The Bitcoin network adjusts this difficulty every 2016 block to maintain a consistent block time of 10 minutes.

Bitcoin Halving

Bitcoin’s halving event occurs every 210,000 blocks or approximately every four years. The halving aims to control the supply of new bitcoins entering the market. As the name suggests, the halving decrease the block reward by half. This reduction in new bitcoins helps to control inflation and keep the price of BTC stable.
The halving is a key event in Bitcoin’s tokenomics, and it is one of the reasons why Bitcoin is such a unique and valuable asset. By controlling the supply of new bitcoins, the halving helps to ensure that bitcoin remains scarce and valuable. Moreover, the halving is a subsidy for early adopters and miners, who help secure the network and contribute to its development.
The next halving is scheduled for April 2024 at block 840,000. The bitcoin block reward will decrease from 6.25 BTC to 3.125 BTC per block.

Bitcoin Security

Bitcoin Security is a paramount aspect that concerns any bitcoin user. From securing your private keys using multi-signature wallets to cold storage and hot wallets, you can take multiple measures to ensure your Bitcoin remains secure.
A hardware wallet is one of the most commonly used methods for securing bitcoin. This physical device stores your private keys offline, away from potential hackers or malicious actors. In addition, these devices often require a password or other form of identification to access, providing an additional layer of security. Another method is a paper wallet, which is a piece of paper with your private key printed on it. While less secure than a hardware wallet, paper wallets are still viable for those who don’t want to invest in a physical device.
Software wallets also store your private keys on a remote server. These wallets can be more convenient but are also more susceptible to attacks. They come in web, mobile, desktop, or chrome extensions and can be accessed online. Choosing a reputable wallet provider and using strong passwords is important. Most wallet providers offer advanced security measures to ensure secure storage, like backup files and the use of mnemonics. An example of a software wallet is Guarda Wallet.
Read About Hot and Cold Wallets Here!

How to Use Bitcoin

  1. Get a BTC wallet. The wallet, in this case, is an app or software that allows users to store bitcoin securely. Users can do this by downloading a software wallet to a computer or smartphone or creating an account with an online wallet service.

Once users create an account, they need to set a strong password. Users can then store the password, write it down, or save it on their devices. The next step is to add a BTC wallet to their portfolio.

  1. Acquire some bitcoins. Of course, the first place that comes to mind is through exchanges. Still, many wallets allow users to purchase BTC with various forms of payment like bank cards, SEPA transfers, and more. Furthermore, you can buy bitcoins from a local Bitcoin ATM.

Users can also get them as payment for goods and services, gifts from acquaintances, or mine them using specialized software.

  1. Get familiar with bitcoin addresses and transactions. Once your wallet is set up, you can access your bitcoin addresses and track your transactions.
  2. Use your bitcoins. Once you have transferred your bitcoins to your wallet, many methods exist for spending your BTC. With BTC, you can:
    • buy goods and services online;
    • transfer funds to another user;
    • convert it into other cryptocurrencies;
    • use it as a collateral to borrow crypto loans;
    • top up your prepaid crypto card, etc.

Be sure to double-check the recipient’s address before confirming any transaction.

  1. Monitor the market. The bitcoin price can fluctuate greatly, so staying informed about current market trends and tracking the latest prices before making any transactions is important.


The first and most well-known cryptocurrency, bitcoin, is also the top cryptocurrency based on price and market capitalization. Since bitcoin’s creation, more cryptocurrencies have come into existence, each with unique features and benefits, but all sharing the same basic principles of decentralization and security.
We have provided a detailed explanation of the topic, including all the important information you need before diving in. Remember, research is key in cryptocurrency, so make sure you understand the ins and outs before investing.
Create a Bitcoin Wallet Now!


1. How do Bitcoin transactions work?

The way that bitcoin is transferred from one address to another in a transaction is similar to how messages, like emails, are sent. The sender of the valid transaction must sign it using cryptography and send it through the whole Bitcoin network for verification.

2. How can I securely buy and store my bitcoins online?

You can securely buy and store bitcoins online through a wallet provider like Guarda. All you have to do is download the app on your phone or desktop or create an account on the web. Once you purchase BTC, you simply HODL it or do various activities like payments, transfers, exchanges, loans, etc.

3. What are the risks associated with using Bitcoin?

The risk of acquiring this virtual currency is the same as with any other investment. Bitcoin is a highly speculative, volatile digital asset. You have nowhere to turn if you misplace your password, private keys, or cold wallet (hardware or paper) and lose your hard-earned funds permanently.

4. What is the fundamental analysis of bitcoin?

Bitcoin and other non-cash flow assets, such as gold and silver, cannot be evaluated using future cash flows. As a result, the primary focus of fundamental analysis for Bitcoin is predicting the direction of the asset’s price. There are many ways to calculate this amount. Still, most of them depend heavily on the supply and demand of the currency.

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