
4 Jan 2024

as we saw last time liqudation ,clearly the way to go moon is open so right now we must be patient and wait fot it,so we could see sometimes going down but it will not have serious damage .my strategy is gonna be easy,when ıt breaks down buy ıt, when ıt go up wait patiently until 2025 .we dont know where ıt will be fınıshed however foresight of course according to me is beggining of the 2025.ıt ıs hard to predict .d y o r.and dont trust anybody .you are alone but you could gain some perspective from other people dont be always close and think twice .thenks for reading ı hope you get somethıng that you lookıng for .ı am gonna be hear for long time beacuse ı lıke bulb you can follow me of course ı am going to refollow you enjoy bulb see you soon again.

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