TABI free NFT airdrop join now

13 Feb 2024

About Tabi Airdrop :
In the ever-expanding realm of blockchain technology, Tabi has set sail as a multi-chain NFT publishing and trading platform, aiming to establish itself as a decentralized bridge connecting NFT creators, users, and consumers. With recent funding of $11 million from notable investors such as Binance and Animoca Brands, Tabi has embarked on a journey to become a significant player in the crypto world and a key gateway to the Web 3.0 era. While Tabi has yet to unveil its native token, it has initiated a unique Voyage campaign, allowing participants to earn free NFTs by completing simple tasks. This article provides a step-by-step guide to joining the Tabi Voyage and explores the potential for future airdrops.
Step-by-Step Guide:

  • Visit the Tabi Website: Head to the Tabi website to get started on your NFT adventure.

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Join Zealy Quest :

  • Connect Your Wallet: Ensure a secure connection by linking your cryptocurrency wallet to the Tabi platform.
  • Change Network to BSC: Switch the network to Binance Smart Chain (BSC) to align with Tabi’s blockchain infrastructure.
  • Sailor’s Quest: Click on “Sailor’s Quest” to initiate your journey.

  • Connect Discord and Claim Voyager Role: Connect your Discord account, join the official Tabi Discord channel, and claim the Voyager role to unlock exclusive perks.
  • Connect Twitter and Make a Post: Link your Twitter account, follow Tabi on Twitter, and share a post to further engage with the community.
  • Claim the NFT: Redeem your well-earned NFT by following the specified steps.

  • Invite Friends for More NFTs: Extend the invite to friends, as participating in the campaign and claiming NFTs may open doors to future airdrops if Tabi decides to launch its own token.

  • Mermaid Quest on zkSync ERA: Explore the Mermaid quest, where participants can mint an NFT on zkSync ERA, potentially making them eligible for a future zkSync airdrop.

  • Complete the Reddit Quest: Engage in the Reddit quest to earn additional rewards and contribute to the community discussions.

  • Speculation on Future Airdrops: While there is no guarantee that Tabi will conduct an airdrop or launch its own token, participants in the Voyage campaign could be in line for potential rewards in the future. It’s essential to note that this remains speculative.

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Join Zealy Quest :

Tabi’s Voyage campaign presents an exciting opportunity for enthusiasts to delve into the NFT space, earn valuable tokens, and potentially be part of future airdrops. With backing from influential investors and a commitment to decentralization, Tabi aims to carve a niche in the evolving Web 3.0 landscape. As always, particiants should approach speculative ventures with caution, and the prospect of a future token launch is a subject of anticipation within the crypto community. Follow Tabi’s official channels for updates and embark on this thrilling voyage into the world of decentralized creativity.

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