Time to reveal Hidden Gem Project — P2E on $SOL$13M raised. Airdrop confirmed.

20 Mar 2024

Time to reveal Hidden Gem Project — P2E on $SOL
$13M raised. Airdrop confirmed. Low competition. Solana Ventures lead.
Costs: $0
Potential: $7000
Playing a game to get a $7000 airdrop looks good, do you think so?
Follow @0xFarmi she helped with the research
is a free-to-play, team-based hero shooter featuring small cats piloting giant mechs on Solana.
They raised $13 million from tier 1 funds such as @solana.
Airdrop confirmed, so let's move on to the airdrop strategy👇
Airdrop Strategy:
➬ Head to http://missions.nyanheroes.com/
➬ Connect your "X" account
➬ Visit http://missions.nyanheroes.com
➬ Complete tasks to earn points
The more points you have, the greater the reward will be.
Note: Don't forget to complete a task with connecting your SOL wallet; otherwise, you won't be able to receive the airdrop even if your account is eligible.
The last step is filling out the form for airdrop
➬ Head to http://31dr2pjahw3.typeform.com/to/vDQH14Vk
➬ Fill the form
You will be required to create an @EpicGames account to get beta access to P2E in the future.

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