About Honeywood

28 Jul 2022

What is Honeywood?

Honeywood is a Play-and-Earn game that rewards players based on their actions. Players in Honeywood can construct and engage in PVE and PVP battles. Honeywood employs a cutting-edge technology known as Blockchain.

Benefits Of Honeywood?

  • Improve your mental skills
  • Take the game with you
  • Stable economy 
  • Earn in just 5 minutes
  • Free your mind.

They are two native coins currently on the Honeywood game:

  • HoneyCoin: HoneyCoin is the game's main currency, and it will be listed on exchanges in the Q3 of 2022. HoneyCoin's initial coin supply is 287 966 667 coins. When farming, players will generate new HoneyCoin.

  • Cone: CONE is a utility and governance coin that can be staked and managed. Players can earn more coins after the initial emission by planting trees. CONE will be listed on cryptocurrency exchanges in Q4 of 22.

Honeywood's Governance
The Bear Council is the primary governing body that determines Honeywood game policy (as in a DAO). It also governs the game's development and operation. To be eligible for Bear Council membership, you must have CONE coins and put them into Staking.


[1] Honeywood, 'Play 5 minutes a day and earn money' (online, 2022) <https://honeywood.io/>
[2] Honeywood, 'Honeywood FAQ' (online, 2022) <https://honeywood-official.medium.com/honeywood-faq-54ecc0d0565a>

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