Revenue Share Module has officially entered audit !

6 Mar 2024

With the audit starting for the RSM, it is time to dive into what it will bring to Talis, the NFT ecosystem and the Injective community at large.

Redistributing to the Ecosystem :

For the last 8 months since the Genesis of the NFT Ecosystem on Injective, the community transacted for more than 400,000 $INJ in NFTs, resulting in the Talis Protocol to accumulate over 10,000 $INJ as fees.
Rather than using this warchest for the team, Talis will redistribute 100% of those fees to the $xTALIS stakers during the course of the next 4 months following deployment of the module.

1 / Value Creation :

Every time a transaction is performed on Talis, the Smart Contract perceives 3% of the transaction.

2 / Fee Distribution :

While complex, the Distribution Model is simple and rewards loyalty.

  • Epoch : Currently set at 1 month (30 days)
  • Fee Accumulation: Each epoch, the Marketplace accumulates fees generated from various platform activities.
  • Fee Distribution: These fees are distributed as rewards to those who stake $xTALIS.

3 / Monthly Reward Distribution:

  • Monthly Reward : Each $xTALIS staker receives a reward every month.
  • Pro-rata Distribution: The amount received by each staker is proportional to their stake in $xTALIS. The larger the stake, the larger their share of the reward.
  • Distribution Basis: The reward is equivalent to one-twelfth (1/12) of the previous month’s total rewards pool.

4 / Cumulative Monthly Rewards:

  • Ongoing Accumulation: Each month, stakers receive a portion of the current month’s rewards plus a fraction of the rewards from each previous month, up to 12 months back.
  1. First month (M1) : 1/12th of the total reward for the month (RM1) is distributed
  2. 2nd month (M2) : 1/12th of the RM1 reward + 1/12th of the RM2 is distributed
  3. 3rd month (M3) : 1/12th of RM1 + 1/12th of RM2 + 1/12th of RM3 distributed

13. 13th month (M13) : 1/12th of RM2 + … + RM13 // Unclaimed RM1 clawed back

5 / Accumulation of Unclaimed Rewards:

  • Unclaimed Rewards: If a staker does not claim their rewards for any month (e.g., M2, M3, M4), these rewards accumulate.
  • Claiming Later: Stakers can claim these accumulated rewards at any later time.

6 / Claw-Back Policy After 12 Months:

  • Claw-Back: If a staker does not claim their rewards for 12 consecutive months, the unclaimed rewards are subject to a claw-back.
  • Consequence: This means that if rewards are not claimed for 12 months, the staker loses their right to the first month’s rewards, which are either returned to the reward pool or handled according to the protocol’s rules.

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