
21 Jan 2024

Manta Network initially started its journey with Manta Atlantic (the fastest ZK L1 chain on Polkadot) and later introduced Manta Pacific (the modular L2 ecosystem that is community-driven) in the Manta ecosystem.
To ensure seamless participation from the Manta ecosystem users, assets should circulate freely within both chains, especially the native governance token, $MANTA. Users can use tokens on both chains to participate in Manta Pacific’s fast-growing ecosystem (DeFi, SocialFi, zkApps & more) by enjoying the inexpensive gas fees & highly scalable environment. Meanwhile, on Manta Atlantic, users can use $MANTA for gas fees to participate in staking and other on-chain activities.
The cBridge cross-chain bridge powered by Celer enables a seamless bridging experience between Manta Pacific and Atlantic. The bridge will go live at TGE on January 18, 2024.

Bridge and Lockup

Manta bridge and stake functions on Atlantic will be live at TGE. For token holders of $MANTA on Manta Pacific, you can bridge to Manta Atlantic to stake and interact with the Atlantic ecosystem.

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