Rabby Wallet Point System for a Potential Airdrop

24 Jan 2024

RABBY is a wallet for Ethereum and all EVM chains by DeBank. They announced the launch of their point system.

We need to download the Rabby extension on Chrome or upgrade to the latest version (v0.92.48) if we already have it.

Importing our MetaMask wallet may earn us up to 12k bonus points if we’ve used MetaMask Swap in the last year.

If we want to participate, after importing Metamask into Rabby, we can get some points. That should be everyone’s own decision, so please do your own research.

Recently, projects have increased their use of the reference method. In this way, they also advertise in a cheap way.

Anyone who decides to join this activity can use my reference code: TRAVELER. So, both of us will earn 50 points. It is inside the “Rabby Points” section.

Engaging in on-chain activities will also help our Rabby points in the wallet grow.
These activities may be helpful for potential Rabby and DeBank airdrops.

That’s all for now.

Block Traveler HOPP — Link in Bio


Additional Notice

If you want to both support my efforts and interact with one more different contract on Scroll, zkSync, Linea, Base, or Polygon zkEVM, you can mint the NFTs below.
NFT for a small fee on Scroll: https://kangaroo-traveler.nfts2.me/
NFT for a small fee on zkSync Era: https://horse-traveler.nfts2.me/
NFT for a small fee on Linea: https://tiger-traveler.nfts2.me/
NFT for a small fee on Polygon zkEVM: https://old-tiger-traveler.nfts2.me/
NFT for a small fee on Base: https://lion-traveler.nfts2.me/


Important Notice: This material is not meant to address your specific needs; it is only for your general use and knowledge. In particular, the information does not constitute any form of advice or recommendation. Appropriate independent advice should be obtained before making any such decision.

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