Data Ownership Protocol ($DOP) Airdrop

15 Feb 2024

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About Data Ownership Protocol:

The Data Ownership Protocol (DOP), a groundbreaking solution reshaping blockchain privacy within the Ethereum ecosystem. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies like zk-SNARKs and ECDSA cryptography, DOP empowers users with the ability to selectively reveal distinct data categories, including asset portfolios, transaction histories, and account balances.
In alignment with Vitalik Buterin’s forward-thinking ideals, DOP addresses persistent challenges by integrating Zero-knowledge Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures. This approach offers users unparalleled governance over their online presence, all while maintaining requisite transparency in designated scenarios.

How to Participate:

1) Go to the Data Ownership Protocol Testnet Phase 1 page:

👉 the Data Ownership Protocol Testnet Phase 1 page.

2) Set up your personal DOP wallet and ensure to secure your Secret Recovery Phrase and Secret Key:

3) Connect your preferred Metamask account to facilitate claiming your future rewards seamlessly.

4) Perform simple Tasks to experience confidential transactions on Sepolia:

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
👉 Go to the airdrop page and complet tasks

5) Extend your involvement by sharing your Testnet referral link with friends, giving you an opportunity to earn an extra 20% of their rewards:

Important Note:

You will be able to claim your reward only using the same wallet with which you have completed the testnet tasks.

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