
31 Jan 2024

We are excited to announce a pivotal development in our journey towards a more interconnected blockchain ecosystem. DappGate has integrated with @wormholecrypto
, the leading cross-chain messaging platform, marking a new era of seamless asset transfer and communication across diverse networks.

Effortless NFT Bridges and Beyond

DappGate's sleek interface now provides direct access to Wormhole's robust network, allowing for unprecedented ease in bridging NFTs across EVM chains. This integration responds to the growing demand for more fluid movement of digital assets and paves the way for a future rich in possibilities.

What This Means for Our Users:

Direct Access: Navigate through our streamlined interface to connect with Wormhole's extensive capabilities.

NFT Bridging: Effortlessly transfer your NFTs across various EVM chains, tapping into a broader market and community.

Future Forward: Anticipate additional features like Gas Refuels and ERC-20 bridges as we continue to expand our services.

Wormhole's mission resonates with our vision of a universally connected crypto space. As an open-source protocol, it's been making strides with significant advancements and support from leading industry players. Last month, Wormhole's commitment to innovation was underscored by a substantial $225 million investment round, boasting participation from Jump Trading, Multicoin Capital, Coinbase Ventures, among others

Join the Revolution:

We invite you to explore Wormhole's vibrant ecosystem and witness the transformative impact of our integration. Stay tuned for future updates and enhancements as we continue to break barriers and forge a path of innovation and connectivity in the blockchain space.

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