Books In My Life Part-1

26 Aug 2022
Books are the real source of knowledge for me:

Books changed my world and even today books are the real source of knowledge for me. Books gave friends.

I don't remember when I started writing. Maybe from a young age. When Alif, Bey was learning, when alphabets started to be recognized. When I started to understand writing, I started filling my notebooks. Words began to make sense. The magic of the word began to take effect. I started enjoying writing. The mind was that the machine kept running all the time. When I started writing, the world started changing, my thoughts started changing. I started getting to know life while writing. When I wrote, I understood the market. When I wrote it, love started filling up.
Wrote the first letter in the name of your lover. Herf started trembling. Like he's sitting next to me. Halakh started drying up as soon as he wrote his name. Pen closed. Couldn't write for several days. Then caught his friend. Love started spilling from the pen dipped in ink.

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