🚨 Scroll Airdrop is COFIRMED!

20 Feb 2024

You can secure a spot by completing secret ACTIONS.

Profit: $10,000
Time: 5 mins

Find these actions in this thread:


= Getting an airdrop from a project valued at $1.8B - @Scroll_ZKP, an L2 solution for ETH based on zkEVM.

✜ A few months ago, it transitioned to the mainnet and continues to gain popularity in the community.


= Rumors and information from documents hint that the token might be released as early as spring.

✜ Other projects have already distributed huge airdrops:

$ARB - $20,000
$JUP - $15,000
$DYM - 1,000

$SCROLL - $???,???


= Airdrop strategy

✜ Acquiring tokens on the $SCROLL network.

✜ For this, you need to bridge $ETH from any other network through the official bridge - https://scroll.io/bridge

✜ It's important to use the official website, as it may serve as one of the airdrop factors.


= Immediately after, go to = https://0xswirl.io

✜ Connect your wallet and select the $SCROLL network

✜ Сhoose any NFT. By clicking on it, you'll see the collection volume and a mint button

✜ Mint 3-4 NFTs to get multiple activities with different contracts.


= Perform 2 more bridges to increase volume in your wallet.

✜ Transfer tokens from the $SCROLL network to the $LINEA network on @Owlto_Finance

✜ Then, return the tokens using @SushiSwap

✜ Finally, you'll have the same $ETH in the $SCROLL network on your wallet.


= Deploy a contract!

✜ This is a crucial step, as deploying a contract used to be difficult, but now it's much faster.

✜ Go back to @0xswirl and navigate to the "Deploy Contract" tab.

✜ Deploy any of the available contracts, making sure to select the correct network.


= Supply / Borrow tokens on https://scroll.layerbank.finance/bank

✜ Simply provide liquidity and borrow the same tokens using $ETH.

✜ This activity is also not very popular, which increases your chances of getting an airdrop.


= Interact with exclusive contracts

✜ Go to https://0xswirl.io and select the "Contract Interactions" tab.

✜ Choose several contracts, and by clicking on them, you'll see what they do.

✜ Confirm interaction with them.


= Increase volume in your wallet by swapping on -https://syncswap.xyz/swap

✜ With the remaining tokens, make 3-4 swaps into any tokens.

✜ The specific token doesn't matter, as the commission will be the same.

If you loved this thread, don't forget to follow me to know future airdrop strategy.

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