Pathological personality traits: the emotionally unstable.

24 Feb 2024
My Psychologist Is Me: A Space To Learn, Grow And Heal From Within.

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Emotions are the foundation of our mental activity. Without them, we would not be able to direct our behavior towards any specific objective, nor would we know approximately what we want and do not want in our lives. However, having a resource such as a wide range of emotions has a not so positive side: the possibility of experiencing emotional instability.

Emotional instability, also known as emotional imbalance, is an alteration of affectivity. The person presents a great variation in their emotional states, their life is permeated by ups and downs of mood that have no apparent reason or that do not correspond due to their intensity to the causes that originated it. The emotionally unstable person permanently lives on a roller coaster of emotions, as he or she is incapable of maintaining affection for a certain period of time. In fact, throughout the same day it can go from euphoria to absolute sadness.

Emotional instability is not considered a disorder per se, but rather a personality characteristic that belongs to the spectrum of neuroticism. Neuroticism is one of the big five psychological factors that explain human personality, along with openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion and agreeableness. People with a high level of neuroticism tend to be more sensitive to the changes that arise with each situation, more likely to feel discomfort and have a low tolerance for frustration.

However, in certain cases it can become the symptom of a problem, such as borderline personality disorder, cyclothymia or bipolar disorder. These disorders are associated with profound and permanent impairment in multiple domains (e.g., personal, work, relationships), incalculable suffering, and increased mortality. Therefore, it is important to consult with a professional if signs of emotional instability are detected that interfere with normal functioning or cause significant discomfort.

Emotional instability does not have to be a limitation. With adequate understanding and regulation of one's own emotional reactions, as well as adaptive strategies to deal with difficult situations, greater emotional balance and a better quality of life can be achieved. Therapy can be a very useful tool to help emotionally unstable people develop their personal resources and improve their social relationships.

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