Meta Gaming: The Game Within The Game & GOMBLE Games Airdrop

8 Jan 2024

In the multifaceted world of gaming, where players dive into countless realms, take on numerous roles, and solve complex puzzles, an emerging phenomenon known as meta gaming has gained immense popularity. In essence, meta gaming involves strategies, actions, or methods used in a game that transcend the boundaries of the game's intended mechanics. This practice often involves the utilization of real-life knowledge, understanding of the game's meta systems, or interpersonal communication between players.

Meta Gaming: An Introduction
The term "meta gaming" is a combination of the words "metagame" and "gaming", where "meta" is a prefix of Greek origin meaning "beyond" or "after". In gaming, it essentially refers to the game within the game — those extra layers of strategy that go beyond what's explicitly outlined in the rulebook. The concept of meta gaming can be traced back to complex board games like chess or Go, where studying opponent's playstyles and strategies forms an integral part of gameplay. With the advent of digital gaming, this concept has evolved into an essential component in many competitive games.

Meta Gaming in Different Genres
Meta gaming can significantly differ based on the genre of the game. In competitive multiplayer games like "League of Legends" or "Dota 2", meta gaming can refer to understanding the current competitive environment, also known as the "meta". Here, it revolves around which characters, tactics, and item builds are most effective in the prevailing version of the game. In a sense, players are not just playing the game but are also playing against the game's ever-evolving meta.
In role-playing games (RPGs), meta gaming might involve utilizing out-of-character knowledge for in-character decisions, which can sometimes be frowned upon as it breaks immersion. However, if used correctly, it can lead to rich and engaging storytelling experiences.

Impact of Meta Gaming
The impact of meta gaming can be quite profound, especially in competitive environments. It allows for a deeper level of strategy and tactical play, where players are not merely competing on their ability to press buttons quickly but also on their understanding of the game's mechanics, trends, and underlying systems. It rewards players who can adapt and think critically, and it keeps games fresh, dynamic, and engaging.
However, an over-reliance on the meta can sometimes detract from the enjoyment of a game. Some players may feel the need to strictly adhere to the meta, which can limit creativity and experimentation. Balance is key — understanding and using the meta can give you an edge, but it should never overshadow the fundamental purpose of gaming: fun.

Fostering a Healthy Meta Gaming Culture
A healthy meta gaming culture fosters a competitive, inclusive, and enjoyable gaming experience. Developers can encourage this by continuously updating and balancing their games, keeping the meta from becoming too stagnant. They can also facilitate communication within the community, allowing players to share strategies, insights, and experiences.
Meanwhile, players can maintain a healthy approach to meta gaming by remembering that it is only one aspect of the game. Embracing creativity, improvisation, and individual play styles can lead to an equally, if not more, rewarding gaming experience.

The Future of Meta Gaming
As games continue to evolve in complexity and depth, so too will the meta. With the advent of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data, we could see a future where the meta is shaped by the analysis of vast quantities of player data, leading to an even more dynamic and intriguing competitive landscape.
Meta gaming is not just a phenomenon, it is a testament to how far gaming has come. It's an acknowledgment of the deep strategic thought, understanding, and passion players put into these digital worlds. From its humble beginnings in board games to its present in digital games and potential future in AI-driven analysis, meta gaming is an exciting aspect of the broader gaming culture that continues to evolve and shape the way we play.
trending meta game:

  1. League of Legends: Riot Games' MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) has a vibrant and evolving metagame due to its vast array of champions and the constant updates and tweaks that the developers roll out. The "meta" champions and strategies can change frequently based on these updates, and part of the skill in high-level League of Legends play is understanding and adapting to these changes.
  2. Dota 2: Similar to League of Legends, Dota 2 is another MOBA game with a robust metagame. The strategies and hero picks can vary drastically based on the current meta, which is influenced by regular updates and patches from the game's developers, Valve Corporation.
  3. Fortnite: In this popular battle royale game, the metagame constantly evolves with each season as developers introduce new weapons, maps, and mechanics. This keeps the gameplay fresh and players on their toes as they need to adapt their strategies with each change.
  4. Chess: While not a video game, it's worth mentioning Chess due to its deep and historic metagame. The strategies have been evolving for centuries, and high-level play involves a deep understanding of opening theory and endgame scenarios.
  5. Hearthstone: This digital collectible card game from Blizzard Entertainment has a metagame that changes with every new card set release. The most effective decks often shift with these releases, requiring players to continually adapt and plan their strategies.
  6. Magic: The Gathering: Similar to Hearthstone, Magic: The Gathering has a complex metagame that changes with each new card set. The metagame can also vary between different formats (Standard, Modern, etc.), adding an additional layer of depth.
  7. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO): This first-person shooter game has a complex metagame revolving around economy management, strategic use of areas in different maps, and effective coordination within teams.

Remember, these rankings might have changed beyond my last update in September 2021, and popularity can vary by region. Moreover, new games are released frequently, each with their potential for a vibrant metagame.

In conclusion, meta gaming has emerged as a crucial aspect in the gaming world that significantly enhances the gaming experience. It allows players to engage in a deeper level of strategic play, not only understanding and mastering the rules and mechanics of the game itself but also exploring the 'game within the game.' The top meta games in the world, such as League of Legends, Dota 2, and Fortnite, exemplify this concept.

However, meta gaming is a double-edged sword. While it introduces an extra dimension of complexity and competitiveness, it can also lead to an over-reliance on following the meta, thereby limiting creativity and individualism. It's essential for players to remember that gaming, at its heart, is about enjoyment, fun, and creativity, and while the meta can influence play, it should not dictate it.

The meta gaming landscape will continue to evolve as new games emerge and existing games update and shift. It's an exciting aspect of modern gaming, and we look forward to seeing how it will shape the gaming experiences of the future. Whether you're a casual gamer or a hardcore enthusiast, understanding the meta can enhance your gaming experience, as long as you remember to balance it with the fundamental spirit of gaming — having fun.

About Gomble Games

GOMBLE, the crypto arm of 111%, is a well-established game studio that specializes in casual game genre. GOMBLE’s mission is to introduce 2 billion global casual gamers to the web3 market. We aim to provide an accessible GX, featuring exciting opportunities for reversals and motivation driven by competition-based tokenomics.
To support this vision, GOMBLE has secured investments from prominent names such as Binance Labs, Spartan, Shima Capital, Animoca Brands, Altos Ventures, Polygon Ventures, Aptos, Crit Ventures, and Planatarium, etc.
Building on 111% remarkable track record and extensive expertise with over 150+ games attracting over 100 million users, GOMBLE showcases a wealth of expertise in game development.
The essence of GX that GOMBLE champions, lies primarily in the following three elements.

  1. “Dynamic Change”
  2. “Reversal Opportunity”
  3. “Simplicity”

“Dynamic Change”: Prerequisite for immersive games

Imagine playing Minesweeper where the map and the placement of mines remain identical with every turn. Imagine playing Starcraft but only facing computer opponents that stick to the same strategy every game. This kind of setting would inevitably lead to “boredom” after a few rounds.
Compare this to playing golf which offers a unique experience for every shot. Even when played by the same individuals on the same course with identical equipment, factors like the weather and the condition of the course, such as the length and texture of the grass, the state of the bunkers, and the speed of the green is subject to constant change which adds adds an unpredictable element to the game. These dynamic factors collectively make golf a sport where each round is inherently different.
At every moment of gameplay, we must instill a sense of “change” in users. Each gameplay should be different and unique; igniting excitement and anticipation for what lies ahead. The more dynamic the “change”, the more players stay engaged in games for extended periods.

“Reversal Opportunity”: Catalyst for tension and excitement

What defines the most exhilarating moments in sports? Have you witnessed a dramatic ninth-inning comeback home-run or a last-minute soccer goal right before the final whistle? The peak moments in sports that make fans go wild are often defined by unexpected turnarounds and last-minute heroics which brings euphoria to one team and despair to the other. The opportunity of ‘reversal’ serves as a constant source of tension and stimulation, keeping the excitement consistent. We aim to incorporate this excitement into games, infusing various elements that provide opportunities for comebacks.

“Simplicity” — Games for Everyone

In our team we often compare soccer to casual games and baseball to RPG. Soccer, with its straightforward and easily grasped rules, stands as the most-watched sport globally. In contrast, baseball, requiring time to comprehend its intricate and detailed rule sets, enjoys popularity in select countries.
For a game to appeal to everyone and secure broad appeal, even if gameplay itself is challenging, understanding the rules should be intuitive; easy enough that even users seeing the game for the first time understand the core rules. An example in the casual genre would be Flappy Bird. Flappy Bird is a game with intuitive rules — navigating a bird through a series of pipes by tapping the screen. Although Flappy Bird was known for its notorious high difficulty, it was able to gain global popularity because of its straightforward concept and intuitive rules, making it approachable for everyone to give it a try. To make games for everyone, GOMBLE prioritizes crafting engaging and accessible gaming experiences embracing “simplicity”.

[Challenges] Commercialization of the gaming industry is jeopardizing joy from gaming.

Through our extensive experience in game development, we’ve pinpointed the core of gaming to “Dynamic Change”, “Reversal Opportunity” and “Simplicity”. We want to channel this essence into creating captivating games, focusing solely on delivering enjoyable experiences.
However, while the gaming industry is growing, ironically, the intrinsic joy of games is being jeopardized. In the case of mobile gaming market, which holds over half of the gaming market share, games are becoming more and more commercialized as companies prioritize profit due to intensifying marketing competition resulting in rising user acquisition costs. This had led to an undesirable situation where enjoyable games alone can’t generate revenue. In response to increasing user acquisition costs, gaming companies are putting more and more advertisements and in-app purchase features into their games; often at the expense of the overall GX. We aim to address these problems by leveraging Web3 and to bring the original joy of gaming back to gamers*.*

What is GOMBLE Creating?

We are dedicated to crafting games that truly capture the essence of gaming. our commitment revolves around creating experiences that embody the core elements of gaming. With a track record of developing over 150 games, we not only have a clear understanding of what we aim to achieve but also the experience and expertise to achieve it. Our extensive portfolio is a testament to our deep understanding of the gaming landscape and our proficiency in bringing our ideas to life. We excel at swift development facilitated by high-speed prototyping and a modular approach to complex tasks, receiving market feedback and leveraging data insights to adjust parameters to enhance GX. Leveraging these capabilities we have launched games like ‘Rumby Party’, a hyper-casual game collection that caters to players of all ages and skill levels, and ‘Merge Lion’, which emphasizes reversal opportunities while offering an intuitive user interface for easy enjoyment. We plan to soft launch more than 20 casual games by 2024. Utilizing our game development expertise, we focus on the essence of the games while concurrently preparing for various elements in the Web3 space; including Tokens, NFTs, Community and more. We invite you to stay tuned and expect
exciting developments from GOMBLE.

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