How to find your moral compass

26 Dec 2022

Self Reflection
Because your moral compass is comprised of your beliefs, it may be beneficial to actively review them throughout your life. You can accomplish this by asking questions such as:

  • What am I a believer in?
  • What values do I look for in others?
  • What am I seeing in the world that I agree or disagree with?
  • Where do I stand on hotly debated issues?

Expanding your horizon
Learning about the societies around you, according to Carleton, is another way to define your moral compass. "Considering how other cultures approach morality can help you uncover your own beliefs," he says. "Reading books or articles on ethics can also help broaden your understanding of morality and assist you in developing your own moral code."

Interact with others
It's fine to be unsure about where you stand on certain issues. Morality is rarely simple, and there may be multiple points of view to consider. You may find it useful to speak with friends, family, or coworkers who can engage in open, calm discussions about their moral positions to help you gain those perspectives.

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