PHILAND claims-Airdrop

3 Jan 2024

We all like airdrops right? Let me give you an easy one.

PhiLand is a SocialFi project that gamifies the blockchain and enables easy visualization of "On-Chain Identities."
@phi_xyz is receiving significant support from well-known industry players, including:
Investments from: Stani Kulichov (founder of Lens and AAVE), Delphi Digital, Polygon Ventures, Chapter One. Collaborations with: ENS, Opensea, Lens, Blur, Uniswap, Curve, and more.
To join PhiLand, you'll need an ENS domain and a small amount of $MATIC in your wallet:
Register a domain at: Choose to set it as the primary address Cost: ~$20 with 20 gwei.
You're now ready to mint a Land:

The strategy here is to fill your land with items that you receive for completing quests.
If you've already had activity in your wallet, you may be able to claim some items:

and keep digging into it...

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