My First Crypto Job

7 Jul 2022

Ambassadorship positions provide a significant portion of my income. On March 22, 2021, I received a text message on Telegram requesting me to join the Official Ambassador group. I really was overjoyed. The project's name was MOGUL PRODUCTIONS, and it cleared the road for me.

About Mogul Production
Mogul is a next-gen platform where DeFi and NFTs meet movies. Mogul is a global non-fungible token (NFT) and decentralized finance (DeFi) platform for cinema and entertainment.

The Journey

It was not easy for me at first; I made a lot of mistakes and learned from them. Mogul had a fantastic community, so it made things a lot easier. We, the ambassadors, had access to the admins and moderators. So basically, I was curating tweets, designing infographics, and making educational videos. It was exciting because I was earning money every month and also learning on the job.

After Mogul, getting jobs became really easy, and more and more started coming.

I love everything crypto.

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