Important Merger in Esports: Fire Flux and Parla Esports Valorant Teams Merge

3 Jan 2024

a very important decision from two successful esports teams.

Founded in 2021 by Cantuğ 'UNLOST' Özsoy and Temuçin Ünalp, Fire Flux Esports announced that they will join forces with Parla Esports, founded by Yaman Kargın in the same year.

After the merger of Fire Flux Esports and Parla Esports, the new Valorant roster has also been announced.

Valorant Challengers : Fire Flux, which will compete in Union Split 2, has included Jlerst, SociablEE and Jeyj7y from Parla Esports. In addition, Hakan 'Atronfire' Pınarbaşı from the team will appear as the coach of the team. The full roster is as follows:

  • Wo0t (Mert Alkan)
  • Yetujey (Eray Budak)
  • Jlerst (Naci Enes Yıldırım)
  • SociablEE (Volkan Yonal)
  • Jeyj7y (Soner Eren Kent)

While the merger is initially on the Valorant side, the door is open for further processes.

In the official statement, it was mentioned that a merger was made for the Valorant team in the first step, while it was also signaled that there may be a possible merger in other games in which both clubs operate.

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