first bulb is about farming

10 Mar 2024

what did you do today...

did you do marginfi

did you vote for jup

did you do kamino

did you do zeta? which is best

did you do drift, which seems drifted

parc not much interested; magic eden not much in nft nowadays

we are all waiting for $W for sure

debridge i should have done some

next thing is layerzero, get the 50 accounts ready

interesting to see bulb i bought

now the thing is how will bulb play out

i am not sure it looks so early at the stage can it really compete with mirror which is actually
not a very good anyway

so the thing is how far solana can go

if in the end bulb becomes real bulb then we moon

let us see how it go

meow is meow who knows where jup will end but so far it is good looking. lfg is lfg isn't it

we are now no longer 0.5 stable coin we are moving toward to 1

and don't forget pyth

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