‘Where My Vans Go’ Creator Drift on Next Moves, State of NFT Photography

3 Jun 2022

Isaac “Drift” Wright’s photography evokes powerful emotions in viewers, depicting death-defying scenes captured from the tops of skyscrapers, bridges, and cranes around the U.S.

Photos from his Ethereum NFT collection “Where My Vans Go” show a fresh pair of kicks dangling over or planted high above scenes like Times Square, pro baseball stadiums, or towering bridges. The stunning shots have made Drift one of the top photographers in the NFT space, yielding millions of dollars’ worth of sales to date.

The images themselves tell a compelling story, but Wright’s own saga has also captivated collectors. A U.S. Army Special Operations veteran, Wright struggled with PTSD and depression, and found that scaling buildings and chronicling his adventures provided relief after his medical retirement from the military.

Goodmorning from Where My Vans Go #92 pic.twitter.com/5I5Nr5FUsZ

— Drift (@DrifterShoots) May 23, 2022

However, climbing such structures without permission also landed him in trouble. Wright was charged with multiple felonies, including burglary, as detailed in a New York Times profile from last June. He spent months in jail amid the legal battle, but ultimately agreed to a plea deal and some of the charges were dropped.

Since then, his star in the NFT space has only risen. His “Where My Vans Go” project now has a starting price of 45 ETH ($86,000) on secondary markets, plus he has collaborated with Time magazine. He also recently sold over 10,000 editions of “First Day Out,” a photo NFT that generated over $6.8 million in sales—including $1 million for nonprofit, The Bail Project.

In May, Drift appeared at entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk’s inaugural VeeCon NFT conference, where he appeared on a panel with other notable creators. Afterward, he was surrounded by fans and signed numerous pairs of Vans sneakers.

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