New year to do list.

30 Dec 2023

Gm! If you're grinding for airdrops on l2 and l1 chains don't forget to do some txs on the last day of the year also hold at least $50 on each chain in case they take a snapshot on the last day.

If you're on stable right now it could be wiser to buy some atom-inj-tia-osmo and stake them on your keplr wallet. The last bull run was amazing for atom stakers they got so many airdrops and most of them were profitable. Celestia showed us that the ATOM ecosystem is not a joke. You can unstake it afterwards but don't forget the 21-day cooldown.

I guess Eigenlayer still has some room don't forget to stake some ETH on there. It's going to be the biggest airdrop this year IMO. With the run of the ETH, it's going to be huge like the other ETH main chain airdrops.

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