Daily ethereum open interest volume on our top 12 derivative exchanges

9 Aug 2023

Today is on Thursday the 10th of August 2023. The total open interest volume for ethereum on our top 12 derivative exchanges stand at $6.06billion. Out of this volume, binance is leading our list with a daily open interest volume of $2.02billion followed by okx and bybit with an open interest volume of $1.18billion and $1.16billion respectively. Deribit comes 4th with a daily open interest volume of $612.68million while bitget CME and dydx follows each other with an open interest of $503.15million, $298.02million and $129.27million. 
Bitmex comes 8th with a daily open interest volume of $63.76million . Huobi and kraken follows bitmex with a daily open interest volume of $43.68million and $35.67million respectively while bitfinex comes 11th with a daily open interest volume of $18.68million. Coinex closes our list for today with a daily open interest volume of $2.83million. This is shown as from the image below;
From above, the daily open interest volume change for ethereum in 24hour stands at -2.49%. As you can see from the image above, binance is leading the daily open interest volume with a daily open interest change of -1.03% followed by okx and bybit with a daily open interest change of -0.95% and -1.47%. Deribit, bitget and CME is following each other with a daily open interest change of 0.23%, -18.27% and 3.19%. 
Dydx and bitmex follows CME with a daily open interest change of -1.09% and -3.99% respectively while huobi comes at 9th with a daily open interest change of 5.88%. Kraken follows huobi with a daily open interest change of -3.07% while bitfinex comes at number 11 with a daily open interest change of -2.26%. Coinex closes our list for today with a daily open interest change of -0.94%. 
All our data has come from coinglass website

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