What is the HAQQ Network? A blockchain network from the UAE

16 Jan 2024

what is HAQQ network?

HAQQ Network is a blockchain network with scalability and fast transaction processing capabilities through the Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. The platform is compatible with the Ethereum blockchain, allowing developers to leverage its features for individual projects.

Built on the Cosmos SDK framework, HAQQ Network boasts a comprehensive and smooth integration with the Cosmos ecosystem through the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol. On January 9th, ISLM token was listed on LBank, indicating promising future developments. On January 10th, GoMeat collaborated with HAQQ Network to enhance market access in the UAE, sparking significant discussions about the ISLM token on X/Twitter.
Read more: https://coinbay.io/vi/huong-dan-san-airdrop-islamic-coin-27321

Features of HAQQ Network

Blockchain Architecture

  • Type: The project utilizes the Proof of Stake (PoS) model, enabling instant transaction completion.
  • Ethereum Compatibility: The platform is compatible with Ethereum, allowing developers to build applications using Ethereum's source code and tools without rewriting smart contracts that are already operational on Ethereum.
  • IBC Compatibility: HAQQ Network can interact with other IBC-compatible networks.
  • High Performance and Instant Completion: The protocol processes transactions quickly, ensuring immediate transaction completion. This reduces waiting times and saves costs for investors, enabling them to seize better potential trading opportunities.

Proof of Stake (PoS) Mechanism

  • Consensus Engine: HAQQ Network utilizes Tendermint BFT (Byzantine Fault Tolerance) consensus engine, ensuring reliability and consistency for the network and ecosystem.

  • Instant Finality: Transactions are considered final, irreversible immediately upon confirmation, preventing the emergence of forks and external interference.

Evergreen DAO

  • Purpose: Evergreen DAO establishes a fund to sponsor projects for the global Muslim community, providing grants for ecosystem maintainers, bug bounties, promotional activities, and other initiatives proposed by the community.

  • Management: Managed by the HAQQ Community and Shariah Council of HAQQ.

  • Financial Mechanism: Users are encouraged to submit high-quality proposals for better profit opportunities.

  • No Burning of Deposits: User funds deposited on the HAQQ Network are never burned. Deposited assets will be transferred to Evergreen DAO for voting or staking token processes.

Shariah Oracle

  • Halal Certification: Halal is used to ensure that all smart contracts interacting with the HAQQ wallet comply with Shariah principles (Islamic law).

  • Authorization: Approval from the community and Shariah Council is required to ensure that only Shariah-compliant smart contracts are listed on the HAQQ wallet.

  • Communication with Cosmos Ecosystem: IBC compatibility enables the HAQQ Network to connect with the Cosmos Ecosystem and other compatible networks.

The price of Islamic Coin

The trading price of ISLM is not influenced or dependent on any national currency but is based on market demand and HAQQ Network's requirements.

Future projects

  • Haqqers DAO: This is a fund that supports the implementation of on-chain governance proposals voted on by the community to promote the development of the ecosystem.

  • Builders Incentive: The project shares the fees generated by smart contracts between contributors and founders (50%/50%), encouraging collaboration among smart contract developers.

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