My Community features on BULB + Monthly Airdrops for followers!

29 Jan 2024


My monthly rewards program was changed to a series of Zealy campaigns I ran in conjunction with a some other Bulb-ers to help onboard more people to the platfrom.
As of right now there is no plans to bring back monthly rewards but if that changes I will update this post and make a new article!

My Community - Grow & engage your audience on BULB

How many of you on BULB have ever clicked the My Community section in your Profile menu?

Contained in here is a set of tools that, even though they are still in their early stages, offer you more ways to grow and engage your audience.

Let's run through each of the features now and detail some examples of how your can use them. They're simple, but that doesn't mean they're any less powerful.


This is is your home page for your audience. From here you can see all your vital stats.

  1. How many BULBers have contributed points to your account
  2. How many BULBers follow you
  3. How many points in total your contributors have earned you.
  4. A breakdown of your contributors and their engagement.


These are all your email update subscribers. Likely this will be a smaller subsection of your total Follower count.

  1. Total subscriber numbers charted over time
  2. Details of each of your subscribers and their email engagement
  3. Add subscriber lists from other platforms e.g., Mailchimp, Medium


These are all the people who have added their wallet to your airdrop list.

Use this tool to airdrop NFTs and BULB to your audience easily.

NOTE: At time of writing this tool is not very developed. There's already wallets on each user's profile so you can use that to airdrop to your users. It'll be interesting to see how BULB develops this moving forward.

Post Analytics

Not strictly a My Community feature but from the same toolkit, you can look at your individual post stats in order to better understand your audience.
Just hit the Analytics button on any of your posts.

This takes you to a detailed set of stats for that post.

Strategies to engage and grow your audience

Tools are no use unless you use them. So let's dive into a few ideas on how you can use them. I'm sure as the @BULB Official team will add to these over time and so use cases will expand.

Reward your most engaged users

Easiest and most obvious way to use the tools. Two possible ways you could reward:

  • Gift BULB tokens and NFTs
  • Gift other tokens/NFTs. You have their Solana wallet so you can send anything that exists on the Solana blockchain
  • Return the love by engaging with their content and earning them points like they have you.

You shouldn't just be looking for points contributions either. Tips are probably a better indication of an engaged audience member.

Find Opportunities to re-engage audience members

You'll likely have some audience members who have been good contributors in the past but have seen their engagement drop. Using these tools you can easily identify them and try to re-engage them.

Convert engaged audience members into tippers

Converting your most engaged audience into tippers is a great way to see value from your BULB efforts.
Use the tools to identify the most likely candidates and then come up with strategies to try and convert them to tippers. Some ideas could be:

  • tip them first! What goes around comes around as the saying goes. Just don't expect a direct one to one relationship
  • write meaningful comments on their blog posts
  • write content you think they will like and tag them in your post
  • probably don't just beg them for tips, no one likes beggars

Convert your non followers to followers

Same as above. Look to your most engaged users who don't follow and try to convert to followers.
I think in this instance a gentle nudge to remind them to follow is fine. After all, they're engaging, they might have just forgotten to subscribe.

Learn what your audience likes

If you click through to the profile of one of your audience you'll be able to see how they've engaged with your content via their profile.

  1. Go to their Activity Tab to see all their interactions
  2. Look at their post interactions and search for your name and see what content of yours they engage with and how they engage
  3. Check to see which article NFTs they own (yours or otherwise)
  4. See which Premium posts they've purchased (yours or otherwise)

Looking through the activity of some of your top audience members will give you an idea of what you can do to create more content that resonates with them and hopefully converts them into more engaged users in the future!

Do you use My Community tools now? Drop your experiences, tips and tricks in the comments!

Monthly Community Prize Draw

What would a post about leveraging creator tools be without a practical use case to go with it?
Nothing. It would be nothing.
So lucky for me I have one.

I'm running a monthly community prize draw (running for an specified number of months)!
Each month I will be rewarding my audience with prizes based on criteria of my choosing.

The only condition for entry is you MUST be a follower. No one who isn't a follower will be eligible.

This month's winners are

The winners qualified by having tipped me 1K BULB or more (and are followers of course).

They have each won:

Next month you'll find out what I'll award on, but not before I announce the winners!

Things you MUST do to be eligible to win

  • be one of my followers

Things that may help you win

  • subscribe for emails
  • tip my posts
  • engage with my content and climb the leader board in term of points generated
  • hold my article NFTs
  • purchase my Premium posts
  • write genuinely engaging comments on my posts

Till next time you beautiful BULB-ers you...

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