Worldcoin: The Meteoric Rise and the Regulatory Wall

19 Mar 2024

To the Moon and Back: Worldcoin

Just when we thought this little crypto-sphere couldn’t get any crazier, Worldcoin — the brainchild of Sam Altman has galloped into the limelight, hitting 1 million daily users on its WorldApp. But just as they’re about to break open the champagne, it seems the regulatory authorities have arrived to crash the party.

The Rise and Stall

Starting with a dream of granting everyone on our pale blue dot a share of this new-age wealth, Worldcoin has made some serious waves. However, like Icarus flying too close to the sun, this meteoric rise has caught the attention of the regulatory bigwigs. Oh, and unlike certain unnamed tech giants, these guys couldn’t get away with a simple winky-face emoji and a ‘we didn’t know’ tweet. Nope, the Spanish data protection agency has now ordered Worldcoin to stop collecting data.

Broker Trust, Get Bust?

The Worldcoin orb that may have looked like an alien artefact to tell your grandchildren about in the future, now seems to be the harbinger of regulatory scrutiny. Given these new developments, it might be wise to hold off on buying that tropical island you’ve been eyeing with your future Worldcoin riches.

The Bull Market and The Toro

This brings us to the fundamental problem crypto faces in traditional frameworks: regulations are as old as your grandma’s Nokia phone. Yet, we’re trying to incorporate technologies that are as new as tomorrow’s sunrise. Going forward, Worldcoin will have to navigate the labyrinth of international law while trying to maintain its momentum. Maybe they should use their orb to scan for a good regulatory advisor as well.

Last Words

So, keep your eyes peeled, folks. There’s never a dull day in our beloved crypto universe. Amidst all this drama, let’s not forget: “Only when the tide goes out do you discover who’s been swimming naked.” (No, I didn’t make that up. It’s Warren Buffet). Let’s just hope that Worldcoin packed its swimming trunks.


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