How to Participate in Berachain Airdrop

12 Jan 2024

This is a Step by step guide on #berachain Testnet task, welcome to March of the Beras Part One Onboarding.
What's berachain ? #Berachain is a DeFi focused EVM-compatible Layer 1 blockchain built on the Cosmos SDK, powered by Proof of Liquidity Consensus and will be EVM compatible.
They have Raised the total of $42M From good investors. Since they will use $BERA as their native token, I'm expecting a token reward for their community. It's not yet official though let's wait for their Tokenomics.
How to participate?
1) Add network. You can manually add their network. Add berachain testnetwork to metamask. -Network name:- Berachain-Artio -New RPC URL:- -Chain ID:- 80085 -Currency symbol:- bera
2). Get BEAR faucet. Note that while making a transition or requesting a faucet you might get a failed transaction or error SMS, just ignore it, Refresh the page & try again. -Visit -Copy & paste your wallet address. -Click I'm not a bot.
3). Swap. -Visit -Connect your wallet & click on switch. -Select BEAR/STGUSDC click on preview. -Approve both & swap. Use the same method to swap for others.
4). Add liquidity. -Click on pool. -Select any Token. -Input any amount & click on preview. -Approve both & click on Add liquidity. -Click on "my pool" To see your position. You can use this method to Add liquidity for others.
5). Mint Honey 🍯 -Visit -Connect your wallet. -Select STGUSDC/HONEY. -Approve both, click on Mint & confirm it on your wallet.
6). Claim points on Galaxy. Complete galaxy task to claim points. Visit… Answer the Quizz, C D D D A. That's all for now, make sure to follow & turn on my post notification.

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