Lie awake

24 Sept 2022

Your face haunts me
why did you have to hurt me 
you played the victim card 
it’s unfair to me, because you know how much I love you 
i was a gift that kept on giving 
how were you supposed to learn 
yes I said I love you but we can’t be together
i saw this morphing into hate 
why can’t you see that? 
you think you love me but you’re selfish 
you spent the better part of the year taking and taking till I had no more fucks to give. 

Yeah trust issues not to mention 
you think I don’t get it? 
being in love is easy, staying in love isn’t. 
Tell me which couple has had it a hundred percent 
why did you come today? 
you knew you should have stayed away
I warned you 
I tried to warn you just to stay away 

I loved you through the highs and the lows. 
No more 
I'm drained. 

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