All success stories"Reels helped reach a new, international fanbase."

23 Jan 2024


  • 15.8M+ Reels plays*
  • 100K followers in 5 months*
  • 55% average month-over-month increase*

* 31 May to 31 Oct 2022.
Stand-up comedy is a relatively new content genre in China, and it's growing in popularity. Xiaoguo Comedy (笑果文化) is one of the most popular stand-up comedy clubs in China. The Club is focused on helping stand-up comedy become part of mainstream Chinese culture.
In mid-2022, Xiaoguo launched its first Instagram account and Facebook Page, starting with zero followers and building to more than 100K followers on Instagram alone, and 15.8M+ Reels plays in five months.
Reels-first content approach
The secret to this team's audience development strategy was a focus on video content that combined short-form comedy exploring universal struggles with a Reels-first posting strategy.
This Reels-first approach included:

  • All videos posted in a Reels-friendly format (vertical aspect)
  • High posting frequency – averaging 1+ reel uploaded per day
  • 95%+ of content posted were Reels
  • Using the Reels Collab tool to tag comedians for expanded reach

Universally funny comedy clips
With hours of performances to choose from, the team set out to identify which clips they would showcase. They identified bits that covered universal human insights – our body image insecurities, our failures in meeting parents' expectations or the way some people in society view disability.
The first breakthrough came with this Reel from comedian Niaoniao about her struggle to connect with others and find a partner, which has over 1M plays.
Translation is more than words
The key to successfully connecting with a new, non-Chinese audience was translation. But translation is more than just words, it's also about editing context and timing.
The team at Xiaoguo didn't rely on the translation AI, they spent time ensuring that each bit was translated beyond merely word-for-word accuracy. This attention to detail ensured that each comedian's work was best positioned to connect with an international audience and generate more plays.
Reels help build an international fanbase
The success of Xiaoguo's Reels shows the content and format bypasses traditional language barriers. By adding English subtitles, these Chinese stand-up comedians are gaining global fans.
Xiaoguo has truly delivered Chinese stand-up comedy to the world. With its Reels-first strategy and use of the Reels Collab tool, it has built a new, international audience, with 24% of followers from the US, 13% from Singapore, 7% from India and Malaysia, 6% from Indonesia and more.
Reels helped Xiaoguo reach a new, international fanbase, helping us achieve our goal of bringing Chinese comedy to a whole new audience.

– Rui Xue, Senior Manager, Xiaoguo

Five tips from Xiaoguo for editing comedy Reels

  1. Create a series. It's likely that each performance has multiple Reels. Cut jokes into snackable edits, ensuring that you capture a punchline in each. Mark the series and part in the title tile of each post so fans know more is coming, e.g. "Sabotaging Twins Relationship – Part 1"
  2. Interact with fans in the comments. Increase engagement and drive more plays of the Reel by interacting with fans in the comments. Reply to questions, like comments and make fans feel welcome.
  3. Use data to know what your audience finds funny. Use the data insights to listen to fans' feedback. You may notice that certain topics or editing styles are connecting with fans the best. Tweak your content and export strategy based on this data.
  4. Repurpose your archive content. Use what you already have by simply editing vertically and posting as a Reel! You might capture a whole new audience.
  5. Capture fans with the Reels Collab tool. Using the Reels Collab tool helps you to co-author the post with the featured comedian, allowing them to share their reels to the audience on both accounts.

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