Stake Tia now!

9 Jan 2024

Celestia will wreak havoc in 2024. The CEO and management team who hacked the CIA when he was only 16 years old are like a sparkling diamond... Tia, which made many people happy with its airdrop in late 2023, experienced a rapid rise in the bear market in a short time. Very recently, Dymension announced an airdrop and said it would reward those who staked tia. The reward claim page is still active, hurry if you have staked tia. I see more projects than ever in 2024. One of them is MilkyWay, it openly says to stake tia and you can do this on its website. Most of them appear with tia in their basis. Although these projects, which do not yet have a token, prioritize early stage users, they only ask for one condition from you if they airdrop: Tia staking! This is called killing 3 birds with one stone. With the stake you make, you will earn both increasing tia, the tia accumulated over the time you stake, and we will have the opportunity to win airdrops of projects in dozens of development stages. All you need to do is transfer tia from an exchange to the keplr wallet and stake between 10-50 with one of the validators outside the top 20. You will thank me at the end of 2024. Stay healthy.

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