The Best Investment

28 Nov 2022

The best investment obviously has been yourself, I mean you.

You have come this far because you have been the most excellent investment.
Things have not always gone your way but you have kept pushing.

You have loved
You have been hurt

You have failed at one point
But you won at the next destination

You have been bullied
You stood up for yourself

You have learned, unlearned then realized again
You are now a scholar

You used to be a mess
But now you are the best version of yourself

You were looked down on once
But now your accomplishments are being referenced

You have taught yourself to be better
And you have become that 
People around you now draw strength from that
I am proud of you 
The world is too
You deserve everything you have now
Be happy and positive in all you do

Thank you

If you are reading this , smile please , you have come this far . BE PROUD of YOURSELF

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