Osimhen mocks Verona fans after scoring for Napoli

16 Aug 2022

The 25-year-old, who endured racial abuse from Verona supporters last season, reacted to the new jeers Napoli fans hurled at him and other black players on Monday night during their opening Serie A match.
Before Osimhen scored his goal, there were rumors that Hellas Verona supporters were chanting "monkey."
The Nigerian completed the comeback for Napoli on the verge of halftime by reacting quickest to poke home at the back post after a corner kick. Napoli had fallen behind after 29 minutes.

The former Lille striker dashed off in wild celebration, removed his safety mask, and then pretended to cry in front of the opposing team's supporters.
While I personally do not support him mocking the fans but his actions can be tied to the fact that he was mocked by Hellas Verona supporters who were chanting "monkey." This can be provoking and we hope for a time where there will be zero racial attacks in football.

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