
23 Oct 2022

The Nawab of the Chhotyashya Sansthan of Junagadh was Janab Shaukat Ali. The king's Khapar great grandfather received this village as a reward from the monarch. His old mansion was still in its full splendour. Old chandeliers, embroidered flowers, and furniture that seemed like it belonged hundreds of years ago were all meticulously kept. This Rubab was not the preceding one. Nawabsaheb was in disbelief. Nawabsaheb might have made money by selling outdated items, but he didn't want to because there was no need. Every antique item in the house seems to have some connection to them. Every object had a backstory. That castle from a fairy tale was still gorgeous. 

The only thing of great importance and pride left in the Nawabsaheb's possession was a diamond ring that the Rajesahebs of Karnataka had gifted to his ancestors. She used to sparkle in Nawabsaheb's right hand's index finger. Everything else was hollow fat. The mansion had been destroyed. Now Nawabsaheb was by himself. He was praised for his beautiful and fluid Urdu voice as well as Udaya. When they first developed colour, they used to recite their forefathers' tales with a lot of ceremony. No one wants to leave the gathering. The village of Junagadh was indebted to his ancestors. This home did not exist. Which the nobles of Nawabsaheb did not accomplish well. This was also known to the village. Nawabsaheb was still regarded with the same reverence. They still had a lot of virtue even though they had no money. The young man was so successful in the hamlet that his father would take him to prostrate himself before Nawabsaheb. It was believed that Nawabsaheb only requested money in certain circumstances. Veeru Tangewala occasionally received calls in the evening from Nawabsaheb's elderly servant. Veeru would bow down and salute as they approached the buggy while wearing a white sherwani, a circular cap, shoes, and a stick. They used to say, "Rassi toot gayi, bal nahi gaya," or, "Kya kare bhai, adaat badi nasamaz cheez hai." Veeru was aware that Nawabsaheb had given his father this buggy. When he first received his buggy, he used to make it shine like new. He used to tour the city with Nawabsaheb. People were bowing and saluting Nawabsaheb as they came and went, and some of them were chanting. Additionally, Nawabsaheb used to ask about everyone's happiness, water, and harvests. By seeing how the city changed every day, we used this round to reflect on our past. Veeru was aware of this. He listened to Nawab Saheb's discussion while keeping his mouth shut. Adding a word and nodding. It was going good today.

Once, Viru Tangewala was requested by Nawabsaheb. An old buddy of his would show up in the evening aboard a train that paused at the station for ten minutes. He intended to travel on to Delhi after meeting Nawabsaheb. To meet him, Nawabsaheb arrived at the station. The platform had just been reached by the train. Nawabsaheb snatched the apple ladle from Veeru after discovering his box. After a long time, both pals are delighted to see one another. Embraced. Veeru was instructed by Nawabsaheb to wait by the front door. Don't return till I arrive, was the warning. Veeru made a U-turn. The two companions were content. There was a flurry of conversation. Then the signal was activated. They both realised their errors. With a disruption, Nawabsaheb began to stand up. He sat down while a friend held his hand. A mille ho, to kaise jaane den, ek jamana ho gaya metal? Nawabsaheb tried to provide justifications. Did not inform the aide that Veeru would "wait" and so on. The friend wasn't in the mood to listen. You'll be aware as the automobile pulls away, he continued. It only took a couple of days, max. Who will wait at home when it happens as it does? Nawabsaheb grinned a little dejectedly. The two pals lost track of what had just happened as the car moved.

Nawabsaheb kept Mitrakad amused for around six days. Finally, with a contented heart, he arrived at Junagadh railway station. Leaving a friend, I started to walk. He recalled telling Veeru to hold off. He made the choice to walk to the haveli. They believed they heard "Nawabsaheb, the buggy is ready" as soon as they exited the entrance door. They returned their glare and observed the hero standing alongside his neck. He tried to tell how his friend insisted and so on. When asked how you are here, Veeru said, "Aapne kaha tha, mai na lautu tab tak hilna mat, so mai nahi gaya" Nawabsaheb kept looking for a moment. His white beard trembled with laughter. Life turned. He removed the diamond ring from his right index finger with his left hand and threw it at Veeru. She was caught separately. He ordered. “Buggy haveli ki aor lo” Veeru crooned and grabbed the reins of the horse.  

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