Participants in the Linea Surge LXP-L Event Must Verify Their Participation!

26 Apr 2024

Linea Surge event has started. Users who have previously completed the Linea Voyage and Park missions add liquidity to the network with the Surge event. Users adding liquidity must confirm their participation. So what exactly is Linea Surge, when will it end, tasks, general review, completion date.

Users who put liquidity for Linea LXP-L can activate their account here. 

Linea Surge LXP-L Participation Confirmation

The Linea network's activities on the main network have almost come to an end. After the Testnet, Voyage and Park missions, the Surge event started. As part of the event, users need to add liquidity to the Linea network. The mission will end after Linea TVL reaches 3 Billion Dollars or after 6 months. If the TVL is reached too soon, the mission will be terminated. Users who add liquidity to the network are required to confirm their participation.

To confirm your participation;

  • Click on Linea Surge Activity from here.
  • On the screen that opens, Connect your Linea Wallet to which you added liquidity.
  • Finally, confirm your participation.
  • Reference link is mandatory for participation.

What is Linea Surge?

Linea Surge is an LXP-focused program that allows people to collect LXP-L in exchange for owning assets on Linea and distributing those assets across protocols.
The purpose of The Surge is to allow users who provide liquidity on the network to collect LXP-L. LXP-L is similar to the system we have in place for LXP today, but is collected by contributing liquidity to Linea.

One of its key focuses is the expansion of existing assets through new applications and DeFi use cases built on Linea. The additional liquidity brought by new applications sustainably supports additional volume, which in turn impacts the sustainability of liquidity through increased fees for liquidity providers and increases the percentage of ecosystem trading activity compared to other venues. This creates a sort of flywheel network effect for the ecosystem.


Once launched, the program will run for 6 months or until the network TVL reaches $3 billion, whichever occurs first. The fluctuation is structured into six Volts (periods), each lasting one month. Why Volt? Because if we achieve the goal, we will continue the era until the end of Volt. And we can play with themes: Each Volt will have narratives and featured partners and offer educational content; Every Volt is a different experience.

early adopters

The points system will launch when the program goes live, but we already have users and early adopters who have established liquidity on the network. It is important to acknowledge what has been done so far. Therefore, the formula that defines points includes an early adopter modifier that provides more points to users who start contributing before others.


After going live, OpenBlock Labs will provide a dashboard where anyone can verify the number of LXP-Ls collected in The Surge. This will contain all the information necessary for the user to observe their activities and the scores they receive.


In previous campaigns, we tied LXP minting to addresses containing Proof of Humanity to specifically protect LXP points from bot farms and reduce sibilities, but in this case there is no such need. Providing one unit of points per $locked is an action that does not encourage bot activity: A user will receive the same amount of points regardless of whether they concentrate all liquidity in a single wallet or split it across thousands of addresses. This makes the experience even easier and more enjoyable for users who build a liquidity bridge to Linea.

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