AI Assistant for Smart Contracts

21 Feb 2024

Blockchain’s bright lights attract innovation, but also shadow dangers. Security vulnerabilities in smart contracts – self-executing code on blockchains – can lead to devastating hacks and lost funds. Enter GPT-4, the latest AI wunderkind, promising to revolutionize code analysis. Can it be the hero blockchain needs?

Salus Security, a global blockchain security powerhouse, put GPT-4 to the test. The challenge: detecting vulnerabilities in smart contracts across seven common attack vectors. While GPT-4 impressed with its code parsing and “vulnerability hints,” its detection skills fell short.

Here’s the scorecard:

  • Detecting real threats: GPT-4 was a star at spotting actual vulnerabilities, achieving over 80% precision. However…
  • Missing the obvious: GPT-4 had a major blind spot, failing to identify many real vulnerabilities. Its “recall rate” – the ability to catch true threats – was a meagre 11%.
  • Overall accuracy? A disappointing 33%. Not exactly a security champion.

The verdict? While GPT-4 shows potential as a code analysis assistant, it’s far from ready to replace human expertise or dedicated auditing tools. Salus Security recommends a combined approach: leverage AI for initial insights, but rely on experienced auditors and proven tools for the final verdict.

So, is AI the future of smart contract security? The answer, for now, is a cautious “maybe.” While GPT-4’s debut was promising, it highlights the crucial role of human oversight and specialized tools in protecting blockchain assets. As AI technology evolves, the future of secure smart contracts may lie in a powerful collaboration between human and machine intelligence.

Stay tuned, blockchain enthusiasts! The race for secure smart contracts is just beginning, and AI is a player to watch.

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