Carv Protocol Testnet AIRDROP!

5 Jan 2024

Hello everyone,

What is Carv Protocol?

CARV Protocol consists of a self-sovereign identity (SSI) oracle and incentivized data-sharing protocol. It empowers users to share value captured from the utility of data in a content-based and privacy-preserving mechanism.


1) To enter testnet click the link below;
Carv Protocol

2) After sin up, scroll down to this section;

Bind all of accounts.

3) Start carving;
There 3 types to carv. Ronin, opBNB and zkSync Era. You can carv with all. There are gas fee to carv in opBNB and zkSync Ero. You can switch tabs and carv with other networks.

4) Data Reward;
In this section, you can get rewards according to your activities with your account. I have no data for this. So couldnt show you how you get the reward :)

5) Referral Bonus;You can invite your friends and get rewards per invitees. And you wil earn %10 from their daily carving reward.

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