ZetaChain Token Utility and Community Rewards: Paving the Way for Omnichain Innovation

29 Jan 2024

In the rapidly evolving landscape of blockchain technology, ZetaChain emerges as a pioneer, aiming to provide universal access, simplicity, and utility across any blockchain. At the core of ZetaChain's mission is the development of the ZETA token model, designed to foster decentralization and stimulate real-world usage and utility within the omnichain network. In this comprehensive article, we will explore the utility of the ZETA token and provide updates on the community rewards program, showcasing ZetaChain's commitment to user growth and engagement.

ZETA Token Utility

The ZETA token is positioned as a multifaceted utility within the ZetaChain ecosystem. As outlined in the recently released ZetaDocs, the ZETA token serves as a native currency for the ZetaChain network, facilitating a wide range of functions crucial for the platform's operation and growth. The key use cases of ZETA include:

1. Omnichain Transfers

ZETA serves as an omnichain token, enabling seamless transfers across connected chains and to the ZetaChain itself. This interoperability is fundamental to ZetaChain's vision of providing a unified blockchain experience.

2. Proof of Stake Security

ZETA plays a pivotal role in securing the Proof of Stake network, contributing to the overall stability and integrity of the ZetaChain ecosystem.

3. zEVM Transaction Fees

As an integral part of the ZetaChain Virtual Machine (zEVM), ZETA is utilized for transaction fees within the network. This ensures a smooth and efficient transaction process for users interacting with decentralized applications (dApps) on the platform.

4. Cross-Chain Transaction Gas Fees

ZETA is employed to cover gas fees associated with cross-chain transactions. This functionality enhances the interoperability of ZetaChain by allowing users to engage with multiple blockchains effortlessly.

5. Governance

ZETA holders have the privilege of participating in governance decisions, shaping the future development and evolution of the ZetaChain protocol.
For a more in-depth understanding of how ZETA operates across the protocol, readers are encouraged to explore the detailed documentation available in the ZetaDocs.

Update on Community Rewards

In a commendable move towards community-centric development, ZetaChain has allocated 10% of the total ZETA token supply (210,000,000 ZETA) for community rewards. This User Growth Pool aims to incentivize and reward community members who actively contribute to the network's development. Let's delve into the specifics of the community rewards program:

1. ZETA Points Earners in ZetaLabs Snapshot

A substantial portion of the community rewards, totaling 31,500,000 ZETA, is earmarked for users who earned ZETA Points on the ZetaLabs testnet from its inception to August 20th, 2023. A detailed guide on claiming rewards on the mainnet launch day can be found in ZetaHub, accompanied by additional information about the program and a sybil analysis by SocialScan.

2. Key Community Contributors

Acknowledging the pivotal role played by key community contributors, ZetaChain has allocated a portion of the rewards to individuals who consistently contributed to the growth and development of the platform during its testnet phases. This includes Ambassadors, the Protectorate (server mods), VIPs, and other notable contributors.

3. Participants in Quest Campaigns

ZetaChain is set to launch both wallet partner campaigns and social quests throughout the mainnet period. The rewards, totaling 4,800,000 ZETA, are committed to various ecosystem app wallet campaigns, such as OKX Cryptopedia, Bitget Wallet, TokenPocket, and XDEFI. Further campaigns focusing on user education and experience will be announced during the mainnet phase.

4. Mainnet Users

With the launch of the mainnet, ZetaChain users will have access to all core features, and ZetaHub will serve as the gateway to explore the entire app ecosystem. A sneak peek of ZetaHub is available in the article "Preparing for ZetaChain 1.0." Additionally, the ZetaChain Launch Campaign will introduce the XP program, allowing users to earn XP and level up based on on-chain activity during the first 30 days.

5. Active Supporters

Users who actively supported ZetaChain after August 20th, 2023, and participants in partner campaigns will receive a head start in the first XP program, further encouraging community engagement and participation.

About ZetaChain

ZetaChain positions itself as a simple, fast, and secure omnichain blockchain. Noteworthy for implementing the concept of chain abstraction, ZetaChain serves as the foundational layer of the decentralized internet. With Omnichain Smart Contracts, developers can build interoperable dApps spanning multiple chains, from Ethereum to Bitcoin and beyond. ZetaChain's mission is clear: to establish a platform for global access, simplicity, and utility across any blockchain.
For real-time updates and engagement, follow ZetaChain on Twitter and join the conversation on Discord and Telegram. For partnership inquiries and building on top of ZetaChain, reach out to partnerships@zetachain.com.
Note: Projects mentioned in this article are third-party and not directly affiliated with ZetaChain.


The details provided in this article represent the current thinking and models with regard to ZetaChain and ZETA. They are subject to variations for the ZetaChain mainnet and subsequent developments. Users are advised to stay informed about updates and changes through official channels.
In conclusion, ZetaChain's commitment to user growth, utility, and decentralization is evident in its ZETA token model and community rewards program. As the platform gears up for its mainnet launch, users and enthusiasts alike can anticipate a dynamic and engaging ecosystem that bridges the gap between various blockchains, paving the way for a decentralized future.

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