What is McRib (RIB) Token?

17 Jan 2024

McRib (RIB) is a tasty meme token on Solana! Why on Solana? For less fees and more McRibs of course!

So you're jonesing for a McRib, and suddenly, it's gone - like a sandwich ninja vanished into the night. Uncool, right? Creators embarked on a mission to give the McRib the freedom it deserves, and guess what? So in a sprinkle of blockchain magic and birthed $McRIB!

So, there founders were, grappling with the McRib's fleeting appearances. It's like trying to catch a shooting star with a spatula. But no worries, they put on our thinking hats (or maybe it was just a Burger King crown), and voila! Blockchain to the rescue! Who says solving sandwich-related issues can't be cool?

So, What about Tokenomics?

- Total Supply: 100B RIB!
Why keep McRib on lockdown? Founders unleashed 100 billion RIB tokens so everyone can indulge in McRib madness whenever the craving hits.

- 79.5%: Liquidity!
Founders greased the wheels with 79.5% liquidity because, hey, McRib enthusiasts shouldn't have to jump through hoops (or drive-thrus) to get their fix.

- 5%: Founders
The culinary masterminds behind $RIB get a nibble - 5% to be exact. Because inventing McRib freedom should come with perks.

- 15%: McDonald's
Founders left 15B RIB and a fancy domain in a wallet for McDonald's. It's like leaving a secret sandwich stash for them to discover. Will they claim it? The plot thickens!

- 0.5%: Lane
Lane, the genius behind this whole McRib revolution, gets 500M RIB as his special sauce. Kudos, Lane, you started this sandwich rebellion!

Wait for a second! What about price and charts about McRib (RIB)?
Here it is! Just imagine this meme sandwich is priced at 1$ a few moments later!

Ok and where's the Roadmap?
Look below!

In a world where sandwiches are shackled by time, $RIB is the hero we never knew we needed. No more playing McRib roulette. It's time to feast whenever the McRib mood strikes - because life's too short for sandwich FOMO! Welcome to the hilarious, decentralized world of $RIB, where even the McRib can't resist joining the fun!

Do I own this meme coin? Certainly i Have! Here's the prove! Not so much, but in case if it hits $1, i'll be a multi millionaire (can't wait for that).

Note: This is not financial advice to buy any particular cryptocurrency, as well as RIB, too. Do your own research before investing, stay safe and informed!

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