$KIP Token

16 Mar 2024

KIP Starter: Knowledge Asset Launchpad in the KIP Protocol
KIP Starter is our third planned application running on the KIP Protocol, and the first fully decentralised DApp.
KIP Starter is the gateway to the future of knowledge sharing and innovation within the KIP Protocol. It embodies the values of discovery, quality, and community engagement, working hand-in-hand with Knowledge Asset creators to unlock the vast potential of human knowledge and drive the KnowledgeFi ecosystem forward.
Serving as a launchpad for decentralised Knowledge Assets, it allows researchers to crowdfund their research, with the results becoming a newly formed Knowledge Asset.
It serves as a platform for discovering, nurturing, and advancing valuable knowledge in the digital realm.

The Role of KIP Starter:

Discovering Knowledge Assets: KIP Starter identifies and showcases Knowledge Assets with high quality and relevance, including those contributing to decentralized science (DeSci).
Providing Exposure: KIP Starter gives these Knowledge Assets visibility, connecting them with collaborators, data providers, and consumers in the KIP ecosystem.
Fundraising Opportunities: It aids creators in raising funds through initial offerings or token sales, allowing them to maintain control over their intellectual property.
Quality Assurance: KIP Starter ensures that only top-tier Knowledge Assets are promoted, maintaining a trusted ecosystem and introducing new models for scientific publishing and review.
Community Engagement: The platform involves the community in selecting and promoting Knowledge Assets, encouraging collaboration and innovation across disciplines using Web3 tools.

The Selection Process:

Curatorship: Knowledge curators assess and select promising Knowledge Assets that align with the KIP Protocol's goals, including their use of Web3 for DeSci.
Quality Assessment: A thorough evaluation of the accuracy, relevance, and impact of the Knowledge Assets is conducted.
Community Input: The KIP community participates in reviewing and voting on Knowledge Assets.
Fundraising Events: Selected Knowledge Assets can join fundraising events to gain resources and attention within the KIP ecosystem.
KIP Starter acts as a gateway for knowledge sharing and innovation in the KIP Protocol, promoting discovery, quality, and community involvement, and aiding Knowledge Asset creators in realizing their true potential.

Powering the Knowledge Ecosystem

The $KIP token serves as the fuel of the KIP Protocol, and powers the entire ecosystem of KIP Protocol.
$KIP is used in the following ways:

Ownership Tokens: Knowledge Asset ownership is represented by ERC 3525 Semi-Fungible Tokens (SFTs) on the blockchain. These SFTs grant ownership and control to knowledge creators and token holders.
Monetizing Data Assets: $KIP tokens are used as a transaction currency within the KIP Protocol ecosystem for use of AI apps and Knowledge Assets. Because $KIP are used as a universal settlement mechanism, the internal flows also constitute a transparent record for users wishing to know which datasets have been used with which models, and for creators wishing to establish clear value metrics for their work.
KIP DAO Grants: $KIP tokens are deployed via the KIP DAO to fund new and innovative research projects, resulting in new Knowledge Assets. These financial incentives encourage the development of valuable Knowledge Bases to serve as hubs of commerce for the entire KIP Protocol.
Community Engagement: Users and community members earn $KIP tokens as incentives for actively participating in discussions, reviewing knowledge bases, and engaging with the ecosystem. These incentives promote ongoing user engagement and community building.
Decentralized Decision-Making: $KIP token holders actively influence the direction of the KIP Protocol through decentralized governance. They propose, debate, and vote on crucial decisions, grants, and protocol upgrades, ensuring that the community has a direct say in the evolution of the KIP Protocol.
Project Allocation: $KIP token holders may stake their tokens to gain allocation for projects on KIP Starter. This engagement mechanism ensures that projects align with the community's interests and values.
Project Funding: $KIP tokens are used to fund Knowledge Base projects with growth potential on KIP Starter, providing creators with the resources to bring their visions to life.
Fractionalized Ownership Trading: $KIP tokens facilitate the trading of fractionalized Knowledge Assets on KIP X. This specialization opens up diverse investment opportunities, enhancing the liquidity of Knowledge Asset ownership.
Trading Fee Rebates: Users who stake $KIP tokens on KIP X gain trading fee rebates, providing them with added incentives to participate in the platform.
Community Building: $KIP tokens are used to reward community builders and ambassadors who actively contribute to the growth and vibrancy of the KIP community.
Grant Funding: Beyond KIP DAO, dedicated grants funded by $KIP tokens can support community-driven projects, educational initiatives, and events that align with our mission.
The $KIP token is not merely a digital currency; it is the catalyst that empowers every participant to actively shape the future of decentralised AI.

KIP Protocol ($KIP) is an ERC-20 token on Ethereum Mainnet, with a total fixed supply of 10,000,000,000 tokens.

Fueling the Knowledge Ecosystem
The allocation of $KIP tokens plays a pivotal role in fostering a vibrant and sustainable knowledge-sharing ecosystem within KIP Protocol. Our allocation strategy is designed to empower various stakeholders while incentivizing growth, innovation, and community engagement.

The Ecosystem Fund constitutes the largest component of the $KIP token allocation. Its primary purpose is to catalyze and nurture Knowledge Asset creation, AI application development, and support community-driven initiatives. The Ecosystem Fund is envisioned as a dynamic resource that actively promotes the growth and attachment of the KIP Protocol community.
Initiatives under the Ecosystem Fund include:

  • Grants: We will offer grants to knowledge creators, AI innovators, and community builders who contribute to the ecosystem's expansion. These grants serve as a vital catalyst for groundbreaking projects and ideas.
  • Promotional Campaigns: Engaging promotional campaigns will be conducted to attract new creators and contributors to the KIP Protocol. These campaigns are designed to spotlight exceptional knowledge bases and AI applications while amplifying community involvement.
  • Community Rewards: Active participants and enthusiasts within the KIP Protocol ecosystem will be rewarded through various mechanisms, fostering a sense of belonging and recognition.

Our token allocation strategy is carefully crafted to strike a balance between organisational sustainability and community-driven growth. The Ecosystem Fund, as the cornerstone of this allocation, propels us toward our mission of revolutionizing knowledge sharing and empowering individuals worldwide.

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