CoinGecko Learn And Earn

16 Nov 2023

Coingecko has a learn and earn available. This one looks at SEI blockchainThe cost is 60 candies, and the reward looks to be 50 SEI. The promotion runs until 29 NovemberTo participate, go to the candy section of your Coingecko account and look at "candy rewards. Then, hit "redeem now".
Once you're in, there's a few simple steps. It's nothing too crazy, after 5 steps and a correct quiz, you're awayLike most learn and earn projects, there is some fine print. We've included this for you to review. The quiz is relatively simple and has 15 questions. You'll need to get them all right, and install a compass wallet.
Once you've completed it, submit your entry and your rewards should be on the way! The estimated time of distribution is December 15th.Medium has recently made some algorithm changes to improve the discoverability of articles like this one. These changes are designed to ensure that high-quality content reaches a wider audience, and your engagement plays a crucial role in making that happen.

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