Microsoft Welcomes Sam Altman and Greg Brockman from OpenAI

20 Nov 2023

Sam Altman and Greg Brockman, former heads of OpenAI, are joining Microsoft, as announced by Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella on X. Nadella expressed excitement about their recruitment to lead a groundbreaking AI research team at Microsoft, revealed through a post on Nov. 20.

Nadella emphasized Microsoft’s continuous commitment to its partnership with OpenAI and extended wishes to Emmett Shear, the newly appointed CEO succeeding Altman. Following this announcement, Altman endorsed the move, affirming that ‘the mission continues.’

Altman’s departure from OpenAI on Nov. 17 stemmed from alleged inconsistencies in communications with the board, leading to his removal. Subsequently, Brockman stepped down from his position on the OpenAI board, expressing shock and sadness regarding the turn of events.

While OpenAI’s official statement indicated Brockman’s voluntary departure, his social media post highlighted that he was informed of his removal.

Meanwhile, at OpenAI, Mira Murati, the former chief technology officer, assumed the role of interim CEO following these developments. Murati has been part of OpenAI since 2018, during its tenure as a nonprofit research center.

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