The Manta 4

30 Jan 2024

Looking Forward to the Future of Manta Pacific

Upon completion of Chapter 4, Manta Pacific’s full mainnet launch will be completed. In the meantime, users are able to fully leverage the network to perform on-chain interactions with dApps within the ecosystem just as they would experience in any other L1 or L2. Meanwhile, as Manta Pacific’s underlying architecture continues to evolve, users will find noticeable differences–notable improvements–in their day-to-day interactions with Manta Pacific ecosystem applications.
Manta Pacific will unlock the next generation of dApps, specifically through ZK-enablement and scalability. In testnet, Manta Pacific has already seen over 200 verified contracts deployed, introducing a variety of decentralized applications into the ecosystem. We are looking forward to achieving that goal and appreciate all of the support from our community alongside.

About Manta Network

Manta Network is the modular blockchain for zero-knowledge (ZK) applications. Manta Pacific is the modular L2 ecosystem for EVM-native ZK applications and dapps that want to deliver the lowest cost and best experience for users. Leveraging Manta’s Universal Circuits to enable ZK-as-a-Service, and Celestia’s data availability for modularity to deliver low gas fees, Manta Pacific offers the perfect environment for ZK-enabled applications. Learn more about Manta Pacific here.
Manta Network is created by a team of experienced founders from prestigious institutions, including Harvard, MIT, and Algorand. Manta Network has received investments from many of the top web3 investment funds, including Binance Labs and Polychain Capital. It has grown through participation in the best web3 accelerators, including Alliance DAO and Berkeley Blockchain Xcelerator.

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