What geographical advantages does Saudi Arabia have?

24 Jan 2023

As the largest country in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia has an area of ​​more than 2.14 million square kilometre and a population of 34.81 million. The territory of Saudi Arabia ranks 14th in the world.

Many people have little information about the country of Saudi Arabia. Don't look at Saudi Arabia barren land because Saudi Arabia get advantage of their geographical advantages and also earning a huge amount of money.

There is no river on the surface of the whole country, so it is called a country without flow. Due to climate reasons, Saudi Arabia has very little precipitation. In recent years, in order to solve the shortage of water resources, they have focused on groundwater. This exploration found that there is amazing groundwater in Saudi Arabia, Therefore, they first used a lot of groundwater. However, groundwater is a non renewable resource, which will disappear after exploitation. Therefore, Saudi Arabia turned its attention to seawater. Then they successfully solved the problem of water resources by relying on the level of science and technology. Saudi Arabia extracts 20% of the world's seawater desalination every year.

At present, Saudi Arabia's domestic proven oil reserves are 36.35 billion tons, accounting for 16% of the world's oil reserves, ranking second in the world.

Due to the high quality of oil in Saudi Arabia and the low cost of extraction, their oil is extremely competitive on a global scale. Saudi Arabia also relies on oil to develop itself from a poor and weak country to a rich country.

In addition to oil, Saudi Arabia's domestic natural gas, copper mines, coal mines and other resources all have a certain ranking in the world, but because the oil industry is too eye-catching, other resources are completely covered up.

The Middle East is known as the "land of three continents and five seas", the "three continents" refer to Asia, Europe, and Africa, and the "five seas" refer to the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, and the Arabian Sea.

This area is the world's busiest shipping route. This route is used to transport a large amount of energy every day, and all kinds of trade goods pass through the Strait of Hormuz, the Suez Canal, and the Strait of Mandeb. Saudi Arabia is located in this area.

The western region of Saudi Arabia is located between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf, so Saudi crude oil does not need to pass through the Strait of Hormuz, the Strait of Mandeb, and the Persian Gulf, and its domestic energy can be directly routed through the western shipping route, which also save time and cost and because of this Saudi energy sources reaching Europe faster.

With its excellent geographical location, Saudi Arabia occupies an extremely important position in the world. Whether it is some affairs in the Middle East, Africa or even Europe, Saudi Arabia can exert great influence.

Saudi Arabia's geographical and energy advantages have indeed brought great convenience to Saudi Arabia, but they also have their own troubles, namely, arid climate and lack of water resources. Fortunately, Saudi Arabia has some cultivated land and suitable places for living in the western region.

The abundance of energy and the strategic location make them an integral part of the exchange between East and West.

We can see from the above content that most areas in Saudi Arabia are barren, but they have their own advantages, that is, there are enough energy and excellent geographical location helped them to become a rich country.

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