How to work hard to become the core backbone?

11 Oct 2023

I believe that everyone wants to be the core backbone of the team. They can choose the most challenging and profitable jobs, and can leave the dirty work to others. There are more training opportunities and better promotion opportunities...

But the core members of the team are only a minority after all, just like the S and A performance evaluations at the end of the year are always made by a very small number of people. Most people can only get a B.

All three of my jobs took away my seniors.

After getting rid of my seniors, I became the core backbone.

Looking at the three companies I have worked for, the first one is a new start-up project. I am the veteran. Although I have just graduated, I was assigned to be responsible for part of the core work. However, another fresh graduate from a prestigious school came late and could only be responsible for monitoring. I handle some chores such as optimizing timeouts, while I am always involved in core business requirements and core framework upgrades. I feel that my ability is not better than his, I just came a little earlier.

In my second job, I performed very poorly when I joined. Because the company didn't work overtime, I was too self-indulgent and got off work early. My boss thought I was being lazy and unmotivated. Has been assigned to be responsible for marginal business. But after less than a year and a half, those who joined earlier than me and at the same time all left and ran away. It was obvious that the leader was holding his nose and using me as a core member.

Later, the leadership was changed, and the new leader used me as a backbone. In this way, in the new year, I came into contact with core business and core technology transformation, and the progress was indeed much faster than before when I was doing chores.

The third job was at Food Delivery company, a relatively core business, but I was also responsible for chores at the beginning. An old employee gave me some small technical optimizations that he didn't want to do, and said "these are easy to produce results" and "haha". These small chores are really boring to do. However, the iron law of rapid turnover of Internet personnel appeared again . After only one year of employment, the two employees responsible for the core modules resigned one after another, and I had no doubt that I would take over their work immediately. Although I had done odd jobs for them before, I was familiar with code and business logic, so I was naturally the most suitable person to take over from them.

To sum up, in these three jobs, I did not get out of doing these three jobs from a handyman to a core member. It's really difficult to get to the top by rolling inward. Everyone has the same brain, why are you stronger? Everyone is working 24 hours a day, so why are you stronger? As a latecomer, it will be difficult for you to squeeze out others.

Being the core backbone requires [Endurance]

Getting to the core is a suitable method for most people. When new students enter a new environment, it is very challenging to surpass the elders in the group. Because as long as you do most jobs for a long time, you will be able to do it. No matter how complex and challenging the system is, there will always be someone in the team who is familiar with it. Because the system code is written by them, it is very difficult for you as a newcomer to catch up and surpass. (If you want to overtake, you must have a curve)

The veteran employees in the team are doing a good job in taking care of the core work. Why would your supervisor put you in charge? If you are asked to take charge of the core work, what will the core old employees in the team do? Do they do miscellaneous tasks? From a personal perspective, older employees are closer to each other. There are more older employees in terms of work experience. If newcomers want to surpass, they need to pay too much.

As far as my personal experience is concerned, everyone in the team is responsible for part of the work, and there will be no exchange of work content unless there are special circumstances. (It is not ruled out that individual teams will rotate their work content)
Get rid of the old employees and you will become the old employees. Get rid of the core employees and you will become the core employee. "Endurance" is a peaceful state of mind that allows us to guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and to remain calm when being assigned some chores. Only when you are emotionally calm can you work well.
Internet companies have a fast turnover of personnel, even though they are old employees. But it may only take one year to become an old employee.

Endurance is a good state of mind that keeps us down to earth and looking at the sky

Suffering does not mean treating work as torture. It's about correcting your mentality and realizing that being assigned to do chores is normal, and it's not specific to you. It's the same for everyone. Staying patient is a kind of patience, believing that sooner or later it will be your turn.

You should do every job assigned to you on a daily basis. Otherwise, when the core employees leave, the leaders will not trust you and will continue to ask you to do chores. This will be a tragedy.

Labor and management must fight them to the end

It is inevitable that there will be unsatisfactory times at work. It may be that the product manager has too many strange demands and works too much overtime. It may also be a quarrel with the upstream and downstream teams to shift blame. It could even be intermittent fatigue.

If things don't go your way, you will inevitably think of leaving your job and looking for another job. Changing jobs may also lead to a salary increase, which is very tempting.

But after becoming a core member, doing the most challenging work can make people grow the fastest. If you change jobs easily, you will miss the best and fastest growth opportunities.
When facing dissatisfaction at work, you must always maintain a fighting mentality. Tell yourself that if anyone bullies you, fight him to the end.

  1. If there is a lot of demand for a weird product, fight with him for scheduling. If the demand is unreasonable, fight with the leader to coordinate more manpower.
  2. The upstream and downstream teams quarrel and blame each other. Let me learn from you how to argue with a smile and throw the pot away with a smile.
  3. I work a lot of overtime, so I go out more often on weekends to relax, exercise, and eat delicious food. Make yourself happy. At the same time, you should also seek help from your leader, or convey your grievances about working too much overtime. Don't let your hard work be ignored by your leaders.

"Labor and management must fight them to the end." This is a declaration of war against the "enemy", and even more so, a declaration of war against myself who is cowardly, loves to give up, and loves to retreat!

Good things come hard, opportunities are created through hard work, and so are outstanding people. Don’t change jobs easily.

Let’s encourage each other.

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