How to Make Your NFTs Come Alive with Programmable Mutability (dNFTs)

8 Nov 2023

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have become incredibly popular in recent years. Traditional NFTs have static properties that do not change once minted. However, dynamic NFTs (dNFTs) introduce new functionality by allowing some properties to change over time. This opens up many new creative possibilities.

What are Dynamic NFTs?

A dynamic NFT is an NFT with properties that can change programmatically after it has been minted. This is in contrast to regular "static" NFTs that have properties that are permanently locked in upon creation. For example, a dynamic NFT could have changeable metadata, interactive components, evolving art, unlockable content, and more. The key aspect is that parts of the NFT can be updated in a customizable way defined by the NFT creator.

Some common examples of dynamic NFT properties include:

  • Updatable metadata stored on-chain or off-chain (e.g. name, description, attributes)
  • Unlocking new content or utilities like access passes
  • Evolving generative art that changes over time
  • Interactive components like minigames that update high scores
  • Virtual wearables that accumulate visual damage/customizations
  • Ticket NFTs that update based on event status
  • NFTs with creative visual effects that respond to different triggers
  • Physics-based NFTs with properties like velocity and gravity

The defining capability of dNFTs is that they can programmatically change in predefined ways after being minted. This enables creative possibilities that static NFTs cannot accomplish.

Why Use Dynamic NFTs?

There are many potential benefits and use cases that dynamic NFTs unlock:

  • Engagement - dNFTs create more long-term utility and engagement as users want to see how the NFT evolves over time.
  • Customization - Users can customize their NFTs by interacting and changing states over time.
  • Unlocking Utility - Creators can reward users by unlocking new utilities like access passes based on tenure or completion of tasks.
  • Persistent Relationships - The dynamic nature allows for ongoing relationships between creators and owners as NFTs update.
  • Memberships - Dynamic components can represent evolving membership status, rewards, roles, and benefits.
  • Revealing Content - New images, media, or 3D modeling can be revealed over time to extend engagement.
  • Functional Art - Generative art that algorithmically changes based on chain data creates living digital artwork.
  • Gamification - Dynamic elements like physics simulations, scoring, and player status enable fun gamification.
  • Scarcity - Special dynamic states can act as rare achievements that create speculative value.

The unique advantages of dNFTs over static NFTs open up game-changing possibilities for creators to build living digital items and experiences. The core innovation is enabling programmable mutability in a non-fungible token standard.

Dynamic NFT Examples

To better understand the possibilities of dNFTs, let's look at some real world examples that demonstrate novel use cases:

Evolving Generative Art

Projects like Art Blocks allow artists to upload generative art algorithms that randomly create unique NFTs at minting. Dynamic generative art takes this further by encoding the art to change over time based on chain data after minting. This turns static digital art into living pieces with endless evolving possibilities.

Virtual Wearables

Wearable NFTs that you can visualize on avatars in the metaverse often statically stick to their initial art. Dynamic wearables can accumulate visuals changes like damage, customizations, or enhancements as they are used over time. Owners can directly interact to age their wearables in unique ways.

Interactive Mini Games

Simple JavaScript mini games can be embedded into dNFTs. Players can complete challenges and competitions, with high scores recorded on chain. This allows players to engage and compete long-term as the game dynamically updates.

Physics Simulations

Algorithms that simulate physics properties like velocity, gravity, and collision detection can power dynamic NFTs. Effects like moving objects, falling shapes, and bouncing balls bring these simulations to life. Variables update based on reactive chain data.

Access Passes

Gating content or utilities behind NFT ownership is a popular model. Dynamic NFTs can embed rules to unlock new passes, content, and permissions over time based on tenure or completion of tasks. This creates ongoing incentive and engagement.

Evolving Memberships

Dynamic NFTs can effectively represent memberships that evolve and change over time reactively. Benefits, privileges, and rewards can all be structured to update based on dynamic data like tenure, activity, and reputation.

As you can see from these examples, the possibilities are endless when NFTs can programmatically change in flexible ways after minting. The critical technical components that make this possible are smart contracts and off-chain oracles.

Technical Components

There are two core technical components needed to build dynamic NFTs:

Smart Contracts

The base NFT smart contract implements the ERC-721 standard while also encoding the mutable rules and logic required for dynamic functionality. This includes tracking state changes in variables, structs, and mappings as well as exposing methods to change state.

For example, a smart contract may use a struct to store data like high scores, an array to store unlockable content addresses, and mappings to relate NFTs to changeable metadata stored off-chain. The contract would allow calling specific methods to update these dynamic components.


To feed external data into smart contracts as triggers for dynamic effects, blockchain oracles are required. Oracles can provide data like random numbers, timestamps, weather data, sports scores, and more to drive generative art, physics simulations, gamification, and other features.

Chainlink is the most widely used decentralized oracle network across blockchains. By using Chainlink to build dynamic NFTs, you can connect to reliable, secure external data to trigger verifiable state changes defined in your smart contract logic.

Now that we have covered the key components, let's walk through how to build a dynamic NFT project from end-to-end.

Step-by-Step Guide

Here is a step-by-step guide to build your own dynamic NFT project:

1. Choose Blockchain

The first decision is which blockchain to build your dynamic NFTs on. Ethereum is currently the most popular option with the most developed NFT ecosystem. However, lower cost alternative Layer 1 blockchains like Polygon and Avalanche are gaining adoption.

2. Set Up Development Environment

Once you choose a blockchain, set up a development environment with essential tools like Node.js, Truffle, Ganache, and Metamask. Use frameworks like Hardhat or OpenZeppelin to bootstrap your smart contract scaffolding.

3. Design NFT Concept

Brainstorm creative ways to make your NFT project dynamic. Consider game mechanics, utility rewards, audio/visual effects, physics, provenance tracking, and other ideas that benefit from mutability. Draft out the rules, states, and interactions that will govern your dNFTs.

4. Create Smart Contract

Write your core ERC-721 smart contract in Solidity implementing the dynamic logic mapped out in the design. Focus on storing mutable data, updating state based on calls, and reading current state. Use tools like Hardhat to compile and test the contract locally.

5. Connect Oracles

To leverage external data for your dNFT effects, integrate Chainlink oracles using their developer documentation. Calling the oracle contracts allows accessing decentralized off-chain data securely in your contract logic.

6. Build Frontend

Create a web3 frontend that allows users to connect wallets, mint dNFTs, and interact by calling contract methods that update dynamic states. Use React and ethers.js or web3.js.

7. Expand Functionality

Enhance functionality after your core contracts are built. This may involve IPFS and Filecoin for decentralized storage, 3D modeling software, or integrating with NFT marketplaces. Expand the experience through thoughtful feature building.

8. Deploy and Launch

Once thoroughly tested, deploy your dNFT smart contracts and frontend to production on the chosen blockchain. Get the word out and see your innovative dynamic NFT project come to life! Monitor the contract and improve the system after launch based on user feedback.

By following this guide, you now have all the essential building blocks to successfully develop, deploy, and launch your own dynamic NFT project on a blockchain like Ethereum. The possibilities are endless when you embrace the programmable mutability that dNFTs provide.
Let's now go through a quick dynamic NFT coding example to further solidify these concepts.

Coding Example

Here is some sample Solidity code for a basic dynamic NFT contract to illustrate the key parts:

// ERC-721 contract importing standards
contract DynamicNFT is ERC721, ERC721Enumerable, ERC721URIStorage {

  // Mapping tokenId to mutable metadata URI 
  mapping(uint256 => string) private _tokenURIs;

  // Struct to store dynamic data for each NFT
  struct DynamicData {
    uint256 highScore;
    uint256 lastUpdated;

  // Mapping tokenId to dynamic data struct
  mapping(uint256 => DynamicData) private _dynamicData; 

  // Chainlink oracle contract
  Oracle public oracle;

  // Callback to receive random words from oracle
  function fulfillRandomWords(uint256 requestId, uint256[] randomWords) external {
    // Use oracle random number to generate dynamic art and update URI 
    uint256 tokenId = requestId;
    _updateDynamicURI(tokenId, randomWords[0]);

  // Internal function to update metadata URI
  function _updateDynamicURI(uint256 tokenId, uint256 randomNumber) internal {
    // Generate random art
    string memory updatedURI = generateArt(randomNumber); 
    _setTokenURI(tokenId, updatedURI);

    // Update dynamic data
    DynamicData storage dynamicData = _dynamicData[tokenId];
    dynamicData.lastUpdated = block.timestamp; 

  // Method to allow updating high score
  function updateHighScore(uint256 tokenId, uint256 highScore) external {
    // Update high score in struct
    DynamicData storage dynamicData = _dynamicData[tokenId];
    dynamicData.highScore = highScore;


This shows a basic dynamic NFT contract that stores changeable metadata URIs, a struct for dynamic per-token data like a high score, and integration with a Chainlink oracle to generate random art on-chain.

The contract enables updating high scores manually and using the oracle callback to trigger automated art updates. This demonstrates the key dynamic patterns of state storage, callable update methods, and external data integration.

When combined with a frontend interface for users, this contract provides the foundations for an interactive dynamic NFT experience. The functionality can be expanded incrementally.


That concludes our complete overview explaining what dynamic NFTs are, why they are useful, how they work, and how to build your own. The core ideas are:

  • Dynamic NFTs have changeable properties defined by creators
  • This enables ongoing utility, customization, and creative possibilities
  • Smart contracts store state and expose methods for updates
  • Oracles allow external data to drive automatic effects
  • With the right technical foundations, you can build innovative dNFT projects

The world of dynamic NFTs is just getting started. As blockchain technology improves and creators keep innovating, we will see even more complex and interactive possibilities emerge. It's an exciting space with huge creative potential.

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