The Only Safe Way to Store Crypto

20 Jan 2024

So, first of all, we have to decide, what do we need it for? Anyone can use Ethereum securely, same with Monero, in which you should keep in mind way less security rules.If you need a bulletproof anonymity or ultra privacy, then read this awesome ultra hardcore guide. Read my recent article dedicated to a «Timing Attack» or «Attack via a representative sample» !You must remember the main rule:Your level of OpSec usually depends on your threat model and which adversary you’re up against. So it’s hard to define how good your OpSec is.The thing is that if you need a certain crypto-wallet for work, for staking, for paying your employees and so on — it is considered “operational” or “hot”, so we will consciously build its protection based on objective threats, But today, I’d like to focus our conversation on the fact that we require a truly secure solution. To help us visualize it, let me phrase the topic of today’s essay as follows:
1- Cold Wallets
2- Secure Private Key Management
3- Multi-Sig Best Practices & Attack Vectors
4- Paper Wallet
5- Offline Seed Generation

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