BonusBlock: Upcoming IDO

18 Mar 2024

🧑‍💻 GM, Web3 Enthusiast!

Are you looking for a new opportunity to buy a token from a Web3 project that has a potential?

Allow me to introduce you to the upcoming IDO of BonusBlock — a cutting-edge protocol offering on-chain engagement and top-tier user onboarding solutions!

🤔 Understanding BonusBlock

BonusBlock emerged as a platform aimed at facilitating on-chain engagement and offering solutions for user onboarding. Its primary objective is to empower ecosystems to attract, onboard, build relationships with, and guide newly acquired users in exploring application layers and functionalities.

BonusBlock collaborates with a wide range of projects, including Injective, XION by Burnt, Nibiru, EclipseFi, Axelar, Synthr, Archway, Elys Network, GOV.DAO, Landslide, Oraichain, Midnight Evergreen, Axelar, Kasu Finance, RTF, Unigrid, Solcial and more!

🤝 First IDO Partner — EclipseFi

The first IDO partner of BonusBlock is Eclipse Fi. The $BONUS IDO will launch on March 21, 2024.

Brief Details:
- Max Raise: $300,000
- Price Per Token: $0.25

More info here: Eclipse Fi $BONUS IDO.

🤝 Second IDO Partner — Sparta Dex

The second IDO partner of BonusBlock is Sparta Dex. The $BONUS IDO will also launch on March 21, 2024.

More info here: Spartapad $BONUS IDO.

💰 Start Earning Rewards

Sign up here to start earning rewards on BonusBlock. Please note that using a wallet with transaction history is a must to be considered as a new user.

💭 Final Thoughts

The details shared in this article are intended for informational purposes and should not be regarded as financial advice. As we anticipate the upcoming IDO of BonusBlock, it’s crucial to exercise due diligence and research before investing. While BonusBlock presents exciting prospects in the Web3 space, remember that all investments carry inherent risks.

🔗 Official Links of BonusBlock

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