TOP 5 AI Crypto Coins That Will Make Millionaires This Year!

16 Jan 2024

A Niche Category Poised to Explode

Artificial intelligence is taking over the world. It’s being used to drive cars, diagnose diseases, write news articles, and so much more. And in the crypto world, AI is about to make waves like never before.
As an experienced crypto investor, I’m always looking for the next big trend to ride to massive gains. And right now, all signs point to AI being the category that is primed to explode over the next few years.
In this article, I’ll explain why AI cryptos are set to go parabolic, the top existing AI crypto projects to get exposure to, and some upcoming launches that could make early investors a fortune. Let’s dive in!
We strongly recommend that you check out our guide on how to take advantage of AI in today’s passive income economy.

Why AI Cryptos Are The Next Big Thing

There are several key reasons why artificial intelligence-focused crypto projects are likely to see insane growth during the next bull run:

AI Adoption Is Skyrocketing

The need for AI technology is growing at an astounding rate. AI is being used by companies, governments, and organizations across every industry. As this adoption continues to accelerate, it will drive up demand for AI computing power.
Many AI cryptos aim to provide the infrastructure to meet this demand, which positions them perfectly for exponential growth.

It’s A Narrative That Resonates

Crypto investors love a compelling narrative. AI has captured the imagination of millions as one of the most important emerging technologies.
By associating a crypto project with AI, it taps into this captivating narrative. This makes it much easier to generate hype and drive up prices.

Undervalued Currently

Despite the promise of AI, crypto projects focused on this technology remain relatively under the radar and undervalued.
As more investors recognize their potential, valuations are likely to skyrocket. Getting positioned in the right projects before this happens could lead to enormous returns.

Momentum Is Building

While still early, interest in AI cryptos is clearly picking up. As more money starts to flow into this niche, it will create a powerful snowball effect.
Momentum is building in this category, so getting in now ahead of the crowd is key to maximizing gains.

Top Existing AI Crypto Projects To Watch

While the potential in this category is huge, it’s important to pick projects with solid technology and real-world use cases. Here are some of the top contenders primed to ride the AI crypto wave:

1. Render (RNDR)

Render is building a network that connects GPU owners with people who need GPU power for projects like AI development, VR rendering, and more.
With demand for GPU compute power booming, Render targets a massive market poised for growth. Its token model incentivizes people to contribute their idle GPU resources.
Backed by strong technology and an experienced team, Render has major upside potential as adoption of its network expands. It’s one of the most promising existing AI cryptos on the market.

2. Fetch.AI (FET)

Fetch.AI is building an open infrastructure for decentralized machine learning. Their AI-powered autonomous agents can execute various tasks across many different industries.
With an ambitious vision and solid technical foundations, Fetch has excellent growth prospects in my view. It also has a first-mover advantage in the decentralized machine learning space.
As more companies and developers plug into the Fetch network, the value of the underlying FET token is likely to surge. This is one AI crypto to keep a very close eye on.

3. SingularityNET (AGIX)

Founded by AI legend Dr. Ben Goertzel, SingularityNET is a decentralized AI marketplace. It lets AI developers monetize their creations while allowing businesses to purchase AI services.
The platform already hosts many impressive AI agents that demonstrate real-world utility. As more agents are added, activity should ramp up quickly.
With a rockstar team and proven model, SingularityNET is poised to establish itself as a leader in AI crypto. Its AGIX token could deliver moonshot returns.

4. Neuromation (NMP)

Neuromation provides a platform for building, training, and deploying AI models. It connects data owners with AI developers to foster collaborative creation of AI tools.
The project has established several promising partnerships with companies across industries like retail and manufacturing. As these partnerships materialize into platform usage, the demand for Neuromation’s NMP token is likely to rise.

5. Numeraire (NMR)

Numeraire is developing a novel staking model using its NMR token to incentivize data scientists to work on AI modeling challenges posed by hedge funds and companies. Data scientists can earn rewards for generating machine learning models with high predictive accuracy.
Backed by leading AI research lab Anthropic, Numeraire has a winning team developing a crypto model with real utility. The future looks bright for NMR as Numeraire expands into more verticals and enterprises.
These projects represent some of the top AI crypto contenders primed for major growth. While risky like any emerging crypto asset, their upside potential is enormous given the accelerating adoption of AI.
Now let’s look at some upcoming launches that could deliver truly explosive returns by getting in at the earliest stages…

Hot Upcoming Launches To Get In On Early

While the projects above all hold great promise, the very best returns often come from identifying strong crypto projects before they launch.
By getting in early, you maximize your exposure to upside. While inherently more speculative, here are some of the upcoming AI crypto launches I have my eye on:


DataGrid is an exciting project in stealth mode planning to launch soon. Its vision is to build a decentralized data marketplace to enable AI developers to easily access training datasets.
The team has a proven track record of success and is leveraging some novel crypto economic incentives that could bootstrap ecosystem growth quickly. If DataGrid gains traction, its token has moonshot potential.


Marble is an anticipated AI crypto aiming to launch later this year. It plans to be the first decentralized consumer credit model driven entirely by AI.
By leveraging advanced AI algorithms, Marble will provide credit risk analysis for lending platforms. This could majorly disrupt traditional credit scoring models.
The team has elite AI talent and backing from top venture capitalists. Marble’s pending launch is highly anticipated and worth tracking closely.


NeuroAI is an intriguing concept for a decentralized AI marketplace still in early development. The goal is to allow anyone to connect with AI agents via an app for tasks like image recognition, speech synthesis, and more.
It’s a novel approach that could enable mainstream AI adoption if successfully executed. While still early stage, NeuroAI is a project worth monitoring for possible alpha upon its eventual launch.
Getting into promising new crypto projects pre-launch can result in absolutely explosive returns. While highly speculative, doing thorough research to identify quality teams and compelling visions early is the key.
AI crypto launches expected later this year represent some of the most intriguing potential opportunities in my view.


We are still in the early innings when it comes to application of AI in the blockchain and crypto industry. But momentum is clearly building fast.
Many existing projects show promising potential to capture value as demand for AI technology accelerates. And getting positioned in the right upcoming launches early could prove tremendously profitable.
By carefully selecting the top contenders across both existing and upcoming AI cryptos, substantial wealth can be built over the next few years.
It’s always wise to do your own research before investing. But in my opinion, the writing is on the wall — AI crypto assets are set to be the next big thing.
The projects above represent some of the most exciting opportunities I’ve identified so far. Of course, this space is rapidly evolving, so staying on top of new developments is key.
But the bottom line is that AI cryptos check all the boxes for delivering parabolic returns during the next bull run. Get positioned now before the herd arrives! Feel free to reach out with any questions.
We strongly recommend that you check out our guide on how to take advantage of AI in today’s passive income economy.



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Written by Money Tent

Money Tent offers cutting-edge online money-making strategies for beginners to leverage before they lose their appeal. 🤑

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