Spending Cryptos

5 Aug 2023

So you've became a crypto millionaire, or even billionaire, and are wondering, where to spend your cryptos now?
I bet many of us would love to have problems like that.

Well, let's start with buying an apartment... or even a house, all I have to do is find a proper real estate agency.
Living in Europe, it's pretty easy to find one, there are several estate agencies which offers a wide assortment of flats, apartments, houses from all over the world (Europe, Both Americas, Africa, and Asia) and accept Bitcoin in all cases.

So, I have a quite nice place to live, although there is one, very important question, which distracts my soul: when Lambo?
What kind of millionaire I would be if I couldn't own a collection of fancy supercars.
Here you are, I found, there is Maybach, Aston-Martin, Bentley, Maserati, and much more.
Even if I want to buy something more casual, like a car which I can drive every day without atracting special attention... of course I can, cause there are plenty of them.
And, what's more important, to buy them I can use Bitcoin or other crypto currencies.
I belive, if I'd like to buy a yacht or even a plane, I would find plenty offers as well.

I've got nice house, nice car, but I won't be walking through streets wearing outfit like a bump.
There must be some fancy boutiques accepting cryptos.
Of course I not looking for a usuall streetwear, wchich I can easily find - there bunch of shops, where staff liket hat is accesible to buy directly for crypto.
I'd rather searching for something Gucci or Versace alike, and in this case things go a little more complicated.
Although there companies like Balenciaga, Gucci, Tag Heuer, or Farfetch boutique, but to accept crypto as payment, they use a payment procesor (Bitpay), by mean of that, they transfer cryptos into FIAT currency.
Now, when I bought most things I desired, the little thought is: I shouldn't be so selfish.
At least I have to think about my wife and buy her something nice.As I suspected, its not a big problem to find companies selling exclusive jewerly and luxury accesories for cryptos.

Let me think, what else a milionaire like me is supposed to do... of course, travelling a lot, this is what milionaires do.
Luckilly several online travel agencies, such as Travala, Destinia, CheapAir, BTCtrip, Abitsky, and Berkley Travel, accept Bitcoin and other forms of cryptocurrency. Through these agencies, travelers I can book airline tickets and hotel rooms.
If I'd prefer to book your flights directly through the airline, I can use AirBaltic (first airline to accept crypto back in 2014) LOT Polish Airlines or Virgin Galactic.

Uff... planning how to spend money can be an exhausting thing, so my writing is coming to end.

I hope, that I closed up some examples of so called "crypto currency adoption".
Of course, I'm aware, thats not a real adoption, cause to produce mentioned above goods and services, we still need FIAT currency.

Unfortunately l' m not the one of crypto milionaire... I don't even know any of them, but if I met one, or I become him myself, spending my fortune will be one of the problems (and of course paying taxes).
Nevemind, it was just a daydreaming wchich will never happen.


  1. https://bithome.ch
  2. https://bitcars.eu
  3. https://www.autocoincars.com/mk/buy-ford-with-bitcoin
  4. https://www.bitdials.eu
  5. https://1883magazine.com/4-designer-fashion-brands-that-accept-crypto-as-payment/
  6. https://chalmersjewelers.com
  7. https://www.reeds.com/bitcoin.html
  8. https://www.ledger.com/academy/how-to-travel-with-crypto
  9. https://www.travala.com
  10. https://www.roadaffair.com/travel-with-crypto/

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