11 Feb 2024

APT gave $3k for minting a free NFT, BERA ($42M raised) - next.

Minting this limited NFT = +90% chance of receiving BERA airdrop

How to get $1,000+ airdrop with just a few clicks and $0 cost

• Receive an Airdrop from @berachain
by minting just 1 exclusive NFT!

◈ BERA is a layer 1 blockchain that has confirmed three tokens, each of which will serve different functions.

◈ It's currently in the testnet stage, meaning all activities are entirely free!


• Investments

◈ The project has raised $42 million from funds such as:


◈ and others - allowing the project to be valued at $420 million.


• Today, they launched a new activity that won't be available for long!

◈ Since the number of NFTs is limited, receiving one in your wallet automatically places you in the top 10% of wallets.


• How to Get Airdrop and NFT

◈ First, we need to get test tokens into our wallet.

◈ To do this, go to -

◈ And claim the BERA tokens.


• Next, we need to swap tokens to mint the HONEY token.

◈ Go to -

◈ Connecting your wallet will automatically prompt you to switch to the required network. So, you don't need to do it manually.

◈ After that, swap the BERA tokens for HONEY.



◈ Now, we need to go to -

◈ And see an exclusive NFT in the style of the Chinese New Year (BERA RED ENVELOPE)

◈ Mint 2 of them to your wallet. For this, you need 1.78 HONEY.

◈ The NFT is LIMITED! So, you should act fast.


• Additionally, on honeyjar, there are many other quests on the BERA network.

◈ In collaboration with various project partners.

◈ Plus, you can claim badges for activity on the network. Currently, there are only 24 - this can serve as an Airdrop multiplier.

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